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Forums - Sales Discussion - Great HW Sales All Around for NA!!!

CrazzMan said:WTF? =)
What trolling?
1) it`s not nintendo thread or site.
2) it`s my point of VIEW.

You can view on SAME things with MANY different points of VIEW.

You see the good sales, which will continue, till Wii reach atleast 100 or 200 mln.
I see good sales, which can decline, after all nintendo fans and GC owners bought Wii.
It`s a matter of view. =)

What tokillamockingbird said. And also, if the Wii is only selling to Nintendo/GC owners (and most GC owners were probably Nintendo fans) why didn't the GC sell as fast as the Wii did? SHouldn't all the Nintendo/GC/Mario fans run out to buy the Cube just as fast as they have bought the Wii?

TWRoO said:

Cool stuff, Wii was adjusted up as well, because it was at 21.10 million and it increased by 240k (yet sold only 216k)

I think it was at 21.1 at the end of last week... And so with Others/NA data, it wasn't adjusted. That's just how I remember it though. I never catch adjustments. 

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Awesome week all around, nice to see Nintendo's supply issues getting solved.

Griffin said:
The Nintendo wii sales this week are nothing great, Nintendo will ship 1.8mil wiis this month, its just a matter of when they will sell. Nintendo wii's are also not selling out in most of Europe and in Japan, so over the next 2months the level of wii's in NA will grow.

I also see the PS3 continues higher sales weekly then the 360, this number will just grow larger as more and more games come out on the PS3. The 360 continues to fail at gaining fans outside of NA.

Okay Mr. Griffin... tell me where the Wii is not sold out in Japan and EU. I can make bold statements like that too if I wanted to. Here, look at this: PS3 is outselling the Wii worldwide on a weekly basis... oops, looks like I am incorrect!

Just kiss the tip.

Haha Crazzy as that Iraqi guy (was it the defense minister? Can't remember...) who said the US troops weren't in Baghdad as everything blew up around him is such a great analogy.

Griffin said:
The 360 continues to fail at gaining fans outside of NA.

What are you talking about? The 360 is improving year-over-year in Others.  The 360 sold 16% more consoles this week than in the same week in 2007, and 45% more than in the same week in 2006.

Others - Feb 9, 2008 - 45,570

Others - Feb 10, 2007 - 39,183

Others - Feb 11, 2006 - 31,332

This is a clear growth trend.

The PS3 may be selling better, but it doesn't change the 360's record.


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I disagree, the PS3 HW sales are bad. Though i will get it the sales are bad. Now the Wii is just great! :):):):)

tokilamockingbrd said:
CrazzyMan said:
WTF? =)
What trolling?
1) it`s not nintendo thread or site.
2) it`s my point of VIEW.

You can view on SAME things with MANY different points of VIEW.

You see the good sales, which will continue, till Wii reach atleast 100 or 200 mln.
I see good sales, which can decline, after all nintendo fans and GC owners bought Wii.
It`s a matter of view. =)

just tell me how do you explain the Wii has already far surpassed the GC's LTD in Others and in Japan and is still selling?

Wii sold 5 mln. in Japan, 1 mln. more then GC, thxn to casual non-gamers (2 mln. Wii play).
Wii sold 6.8 mln. in Europe, 2 mln. more then GC, thnx to casual non-gamers(3 mln. wii play) and casual gamers(SMG sales increased).
Wii sold 9.3 mln. in USA, 3,4 mln. less then GC.

So, Japan should very soon reach level(6 mln.), when all GC onwers bought Wii.
Europe is near reaching this level too(8 mln.).
Usa need to sell atleast 18 mln., when almost all GC owners will buy Wii.

So till 32 mln. You shouldn`t worry about Wii sales.

p.s. maybe wii play - tottaly non-gamer casual game don`t represent the numbers of casual non-gamers on Wii(around 10 mln. now), but WHO knows? =)

Every 5 seconds on earth one child dies from hunger...

2009.04.30 - PS3 will OUTSELL x360 atleast by the middle of 2010. Japan+Europe > NA.

Gran Turismo 3 - 1,06 mln. in 3 weeks with around 4 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Gran Turismo 4 - 1,16 mln. with 18 mln. PS2 on the launch.

Final Fantasy X - around 2 mln. with 5 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Final Fantasy X-2 - 2.4 mln. with 12 mln. PS2 on the launch.


1.8 mln. PS3 today(2008.01.17) in Japan. Now(2009.04.30) 3.16 mln. PS3 were sold in Japan.
PS3 will reach 4 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 25k.

PS3 may reach 5 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 50k.
PS2 2001 vs PS3 2008 sales numbers =) + New games released in Japan by 2009 that passed 100k so far

@Stever89. No the front page numbers are was below 21 million before Other HW. @ Crazzy. =)

CrazzyMan said:
tokilamockingbrd said:
CrazzyMan said:
WTF? =)
What trolling?
1) it`s not nintendo thread or site.
2) it`s my point of VIEW.

You can view on SAME things with MANY different points of VIEW.

You see the good sales, which will continue, till Wii reach atleast 100 or 200 mln.
I see good sales, which can decline, after all nintendo fans and GC owners bought Wii.
It`s a matter of view. =)

just tell me how do you explain the Wii has already far surpassed the GC's LTD in Others and in Japan and is still selling?

Wii sold 5 mln. in Japan, 1 mln. more then GC, thxn to casual non-gamers (2 mln. Wii play).
Wii sold 6.8 mln. in Europe, 2 mln. more then GC, thnx to casual non-gamers(3 mln. wii play) and casual gamers(SMG sales increased).
Wii sold 9.3 mln. in USA, 3,4 mln. less then GC.

So, Japan should very soon reach level(6 mln.), when all GC onwers bought Wii.
Europe is near reaching this level too(8 mln.).
Usa need to sell atleast 18 mln., when almost all GC owners will buy Wii.

So till 32 mln. You shouldn`t worry about Wii sales.

p.s. maybe wii play - tottaly non-gamer casual game don`t represent the numbers of casual non-gamers on Wii(around 10 mln. now), but WHO knows? =)

CrazzyLogic at it again! So if we take Wii sales and subtract the number of people who bought WiiPlay (nearly 10 million) we'll get the number of GC owners who have moved to the Wii? NO WAY.

GameCube sales after 65 weeks: 6 million
Wii sales (minus WiiPlay "non-casual gamers) after 65 weeks: 11 million

Odd. There are still people buying the Wii who didn't pick up the GC, and I don't see any reason for the Wii to sell faster to the GC owners who were Nintendo fans, since the GC didn't exactly "shoot" out the gate like the Wii has. I don't see the Wii slowing down at 32 million. Sorry.

TWRoO said:
@Stever89. No the front page numbers are was below 21 million before Other HW

Yeah my math is really bad right now (I haven't been feeling to well the last few days). I was thinking that if you take this weeks total so far (344k) and subtract it from Wii totals (21.34) you'd get the 21.1million.

But that's not the case.

And now that I think about it, it was below 21 million.. only slightly though as far as I remember, because I was thinking (on Thursday before Japan numbers were in) that once Japan numbers were in, the Wii should be at 21 million... and it didn't make it.

I accept defeat.