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CrazzMan said:WTF? =)
What trolling?
1) it`s not nintendo thread or site.
2) it`s my point of VIEW.

You can view on SAME things with MANY different points of VIEW.

You see the good sales, which will continue, till Wii reach atleast 100 or 200 mln.
I see good sales, which can decline, after all nintendo fans and GC owners bought Wii.
It`s a matter of view. =)

What tokillamockingbird said. And also, if the Wii is only selling to Nintendo/GC owners (and most GC owners were probably Nintendo fans) why didn't the GC sell as fast as the Wii did? SHouldn't all the Nintendo/GC/Mario fans run out to buy the Cube just as fast as they have bought the Wii?

TWRoO said:

Cool stuff, Wii was adjusted up as well, because it was at 21.10 million and it increased by 240k (yet sold only 216k)

I think it was at 21.1 at the end of last week... And so with Others/NA data, it wasn't adjusted. That's just how I remember it though. I never catch adjustments.