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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your five most appealing exclusives on each console!

1. Lost Odyssey
2. Alan Wake
3. Crackdown Series
4. Halo Series
5. Forza Series

1. Last of Us
2. Unchartered Series
4. Ni No Kuni
5. Demon Souls

1. Super Smash Brothers
2. Super Mario Brothers Series
3. Legend of Zelda Series
4. Mario Kart Series
5. Super Mario Galaxy

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Tagged. This is gonna be a challenge for me.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


NeoRatt said:
1. Lost Odyssey
2. Alan Wake
3. Crackdown Series
4. Halo Series
5. Forza Series

Watch out. Alan Wake is for PC as well.


Mnementh said:

1. Fable - Well, it sounds cool. Again, no number put, as I don't know which one is best.
2. Halo - I like a good shooter, as long as I can play it singleplayer. I didn't put any number, as I don't know which one is the best, but if I would own a X360 I would surely try out one.
3. Kinect Adventures! - Well, nothing against fun minigames.
4. Mass Effect - A Bioware-RPG, I'm sold.
5. Forza - Again, anyone in the series would suffice. I'm not too much into racing-games, but usually I get one each gen to get my racing-needs fulfilled. As I see that, on XBOX360 that title would be Forza.


Mass Effect went multiplatform. You can find it on PC, Ps3 and WiiU.


5. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Nintendo's last really big title for Wii, and it finally used the motion controls we dreamt of at launch.

4. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (I'd replace it with Trilogy if it's allowed, same description but two more fantastic games in one package) - Fantastic ending of the trilogy, often accused for being too linear though, but I think that made it stand a little out from the two first, and it was still awesome.

3. Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Almost no more boring star and missions, and the green stars instead of playing the same levels again with Luigi.

2. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - The first Zelda I played since Ocarina and Majora, and a long and great story, with great dungeons. And the E3 reveal was pure magic.

1. Super Mario Galaxy - The reason I bought a Wii in the first place, not played a 3D Mario since 64. It looked magical in the trailers, and was even more magical when I finally got to play it. Nowadays I like better most stages in the sequel, but when I look back this has been the most appealing to me overall.

Honorable mention: Super Smash Bros. Brawl - I think this should be mentioned, I've spent more time with it than the other 5.


Xbox 360 (don't own many games but I'll try):

5. Viva Piñata - Haven't played it but looks okay, and it's a Rare game, and Grant Kirkhope was composing too, think it was his last contribution at Rare.

4. Forza Motorsport 3 - I think it was too streamlined and you got cars over every little thing, wasn't really fun to buy new at the shop then, but it's a racing game, gotta have that for a console.

3. Forza Motorsport 4 - Didn't play it but I guess it's just more of FM3, and that means it's better. Right?

2. Banjo-Kazooie Nuts and Bolts - I didn't play this much, but it felt like a fun platformer, not a sequel to the N64 titles though. I really think they should have prioritized 60 fps in this one too, felt a little lousy

1. Dead Rising - I bought this with my 360 (along with my brother), and it's fun to just whack around. Dat screen tearing too. Every now and then I pull out the 360 to play this game along with Nuts and Bolts.


Playstation 3:

5. God of War 3 - Sadly I never got around to buy this game, but I played the E3 demo over and over and over again. Fantastic visuals along with the controls and framerate.

4. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - Great story, better than the third in my opinion, and story is very important in a story-driven game. Finished it on the hardest difficulty.

3. Gran Turismo 6 - GT5 would have charted on my list hadn't it been for the abnormal long loading times. Lots of times I just turned off and played other games, in contrast to what I did with GT3. But I hear that has been fixed here.

2. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch - Filled the non linear hole that FF13 left me. Really dragged out towards the end, but fun to play, great soundtrack too.

1. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots - The reason I bought a PS3, along with FF13 and GT5, and this was the only one which fulfilled my expectations. Fantastic game.
