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5. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Nintendo's last really big title for Wii, and it finally used the motion controls we dreamt of at launch.

4. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (I'd replace it with Trilogy if it's allowed, same description but two more fantastic games in one package) - Fantastic ending of the trilogy, often accused for being too linear though, but I think that made it stand a little out from the two first, and it was still awesome.

3. Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Almost no more boring star and missions, and the green stars instead of playing the same levels again with Luigi.

2. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - The first Zelda I played since Ocarina and Majora, and a long and great story, with great dungeons. And the E3 reveal was pure magic.

1. Super Mario Galaxy - The reason I bought a Wii in the first place, not played a 3D Mario since 64. It looked magical in the trailers, and was even more magical when I finally got to play it. Nowadays I like better most stages in the sequel, but when I look back this has been the most appealing to me overall.

Honorable mention: Super Smash Bros. Brawl - I think this should be mentioned, I've spent more time with it than the other 5.


Xbox 360 (don't own many games but I'll try):

5. Viva Piñata - Haven't played it but looks okay, and it's a Rare game, and Grant Kirkhope was composing too, think it was his last contribution at Rare.

4. Forza Motorsport 3 - I think it was too streamlined and you got cars over every little thing, wasn't really fun to buy new at the shop then, but it's a racing game, gotta have that for a console.

3. Forza Motorsport 4 - Didn't play it but I guess it's just more of FM3, and that means it's better. Right?

2. Banjo-Kazooie Nuts and Bolts - I didn't play this much, but it felt like a fun platformer, not a sequel to the N64 titles though. I really think they should have prioritized 60 fps in this one too, felt a little lousy

1. Dead Rising - I bought this with my 360 (along with my brother), and it's fun to just whack around. Dat screen tearing too. Every now and then I pull out the 360 to play this game along with Nuts and Bolts.


Playstation 3:

5. God of War 3 - Sadly I never got around to buy this game, but I played the E3 demo over and over and over again. Fantastic visuals along with the controls and framerate.

4. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - Great story, better than the third in my opinion, and story is very important in a story-driven game. Finished it on the hardest difficulty.

3. Gran Turismo 6 - GT5 would have charted on my list hadn't it been for the abnormal long loading times. Lots of times I just turned off and played other games, in contrast to what I did with GT3. But I hear that has been fixed here.

2. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch - Filled the non linear hole that FF13 left me. Really dragged out towards the end, but fun to play, great soundtrack too.

1. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots - The reason I bought a PS3, along with FF13 and GT5, and this was the only one which fulfilled my expectations. Fantastic game.
