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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Surprise 360 announcement in Japan next week

Last year Sony bundled PS3s with every single large-ish game:

Gundam Mousou
Hot Shots Golf 3
Sangoku Mousou 5

& already has DMC 4 bundle this year.

For comparison, the X360 had 1 bundle last year with Trusty Bell. It also did have an exclusive Lost Odyssey bundle, but that was just with 1 store.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Around the Network

^ Didnt ms bundle blue dragon and then later on ace combat 6 as well?




I think the simultaneous release of FF XIII on 360 would be a significant announcement. But the likelihood of that is somewhere between 0 and 5%...

More likely to be something like a Ninja Gaiden II bundle.