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Forums - Sony Discussion - the one thing that really bums me out about the ps3

tastyshovelware said:

It's that sony went from truely caring about all gamers, and having something for everyone, to very suddenly being very tech and hardcore driven.

Here's your problem right here - Sony has NEVER cared about gamers - they have never listened, especially in this generation. Case and point - the disk read error. Sony flat out denied it - and I had to turn to the Web to find answers. A blog said they'd repair it for free - just like the RROD drama. I called Sony and they said it would be $129 - but guess what? They *waived* the fee. They have made no attempt whatsoever to listen to gamers like MS does with Major Nelson's blog, or like Ninny did in Wash. St. with folks - letting families test out Wiis before rolling them out.

Sony didn't listen to gamers one bit while making the PS3. At least MS, when they said they were axing BC, heard the chatter on forums and reversed course. Sony didn't listen when folks balked at paying $499 and $599 - and higher overseas - for their Blu Ray reading, video game console. They didn't listen when folks told them it wasn't selling as fast as it was. And they didn't listen to gamers when they removed PS2 BC - for one of the most popular consoles of all time. They will listen if folks just boycott them and don't stand for their foolishness.

However, a lot of folks are still buying whatever crap Sony throws out. I was dead serious when I said I would never buy a PS3 without BC. I ended up with one because it was essentially a free one - games for the PS3 - and I would have *settled* for that POC. Yet, after having it shipped - I found the PS3 I wanted.

Am I a PS3 fan? No. I see good points, great points and horrible points with it. Am I a 360 fan? No. I see it as a good gaming machine, but having RROD and the LIVE drama sucked big time.

I have been fed up with Sony for a while, but it matters little to the cute girl at the counter at Starbucks. Take those rants, $3.50 to Starbucks and get some java. Yes, no one cares. 


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You are going to find less and less variety on Blu\DVD, just due to production costs. You will find your variety and odd titles on PSN/Live/Wii.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

I know it's taboo on this site to say anything good will come to the PS3, but this is how I see it.

At prices between $400 to $600, the shooter audience is the most likely to buy the console. Although I would have no problems paying that much for nice high def jRPGs, most people don't see it that way.

Right now, MS has been paying out to get the jRPGs early on their system, trying everything to trip Sony out the door. Although, I think they are finding it more difficult to get away from the Halo image they set for their gaming business from the first Xbox. Out of about 15 people I know that got the 360, me and one other person didn't buy it for Halo.

When the PS3 goes to $299 (alot sooner than some people would like to believe) and FF 13 releases, there will be more interest from third parties to put the jRPGs on the PS3. More of the fanbase will be on the PS3.

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."  --Hermann Goering, leading Nazi party member, at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials 


Conservatives:  Pushing for a small enough government to be a guest in your living room, or even better - your uterus.


mesoteto said:
^no i still think the wii has the most varity, 360 only fits hardcore right now just like teh ps3

That's *mostly* correct.  But my family has had a lot of fun with Viva Pinata, Beautiful Katamari, Lego Star Wars, Bejeweled2 (a download game), etc.  The 360 leans VERY heavily toward hardcore games, but there are number of other games on the platform as well.  Just not nearly as many as the Wii. 


ChronotriggerJM said:
Well I'd also like to mention that the PS3 just got past it's year mark, comparing it's first year to the 360's current library is a bit prude wouldn't you think? All things considered I think they have a great selection of games, definitely more geared twards the hardcore, but they have plenty to go around I'd say. PSN titles are a bit more diverse, and lean much higher on the "casual" level, games like Calling all Cars, or Pixel Junk Monsters, fl0w, super stardust, everyday shooter, Pain, etc etc.

@Onna, sorry to see you so disappointed with it :( But every generation so far Sony has delivered gaming experiences on all fronts, I have no reason to believe they wont this generation. However if you do come back, you'll have some of us here to welcome you :P I'd seriously recommend some PSN titles ^^;
Maybe if they actually released PSN cards, the PSN would be more accessible to more people.
sometimes I think Sony is ran by a bunch of monkeys...


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

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madskillz said:
tastyshovelware said:

It's that sony went from truely caring about all gamers, and having something for everyone, to very suddenly being very tech and hardcore driven.

Here's your problem right here - Sony has NEVER cared about gamers - they have never listened, especially in this generation. Case and point - the disk read error. Sony flat out denied it - and I had to turn to the Web to find answers. A blog said they'd repair it for free - just like the RROD drama. I called Sony and they said it would be $129 - but guess what? They *waived* the fee. They have made no attempt whatsoever to listen to gamers like MS does with Major Nelson's blog, or like Ninny did in Wash. St. with folks - letting families test out Wiis before rolling them out.

Sony didn't listen to gamers one bit while making the PS3. At least MS, when they said they were axing BC, heard the chatter on forums and reversed course. Sony didn't listen when folks balked at paying $499 and $599 - and higher overseas - for their Blu Ray reading, video game console. They didn't listen when folks told them it wasn't selling as fast as it was. And they didn't listen to gamers when they removed PS2 BC - for one of the most popular consoles of all time. They will listen if folks just boycott them and don't stand for their foolishness.

However, a lot of folks are still buying whatever crap Sony throws out. I was dead serious when I said I would never buy a PS3 without BC. I ended up with one because it was essentially a free one - games for the PS3 - and I would have *settled* for that POC. Yet, after having it shipped - I found the PS3 I wanted.

Am I a PS3 fan? No. I see good points, great points and horrible points with it. Am I a 360 fan? No. I see it as a good gaming machine, but having RROD and the LIVE drama sucked big time.

I have been fed up with Sony for a while, but it matters little to the cute girl at the counter at Starbucks. Take those rants, $3.50 to Starbucks and get some java. Yes, no one cares.


 Microsoft cares about gamers because there is competition.  Their goal is monopoly.  Do they care about users when they were releasing Vista?  I think not.

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."  --Hermann Goering, leading Nazi party member, at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials 


Conservatives:  Pushing for a small enough government to be a guest in your living room, or even better - your uterus.


The one thing that agitates me about Sony in general is that we've seen all this amazing footage of games, but yet the majority of them aren't even out yet.

I.E. Killzone 2 , Metal Gear Solid .

If thats not bad enough there is no official release date for these titles, just sometime spring. Everything just ends up delayed.

Friend Code : 2878 - 9590 - 0767



FinalEvangelion said:
madskillz said:
tastyshovelware said:

It's that sony went from truely caring about all gamers, and having something for everyone, to very suddenly being very tech and hardcore driven.

Here's your problem right here - Sony has NEVER cared about gamers - they have never listened, especially in this generation. Case and point - the disk read error. Sony flat out denied it - and I had to turn to the Web to find answers. A blog said they'd repair it for free - just like the RROD drama. I called Sony and they said it would be $129 - but guess what? They *waived* the fee. They have made no attempt whatsoever to listen to gamers like MS does with Major Nelson's blog, or like Ninny did in Wash. St. with folks - letting families test out Wiis before rolling them out.

Sony didn't listen to gamers one bit while making the PS3. At least MS, when they said they were axing BC, heard the chatter on forums and reversed course. Sony didn't listen when folks balked at paying $499 and $599 - and higher overseas - for their Blu Ray reading, video game console. They didn't listen when folks told them it wasn't selling as fast as it was. And they didn't listen to gamers when they removed PS2 BC - for one of the most popular consoles of all time. They will listen if folks just boycott them and don't stand for their foolishness.

However, a lot of folks are still buying whatever crap Sony throws out. I was dead serious when I said I would never buy a PS3 without BC. I ended up with one because it was essentially a free one - games for the PS3 - and I would have *settled* for that POC. Yet, after having it shipped - I found the PS3 I wanted.

Am I a PS3 fan? No. I see good points, great points and horrible points with it. Am I a 360 fan? No. I see it as a good gaming machine, but having RROD and the LIVE drama sucked big time.

I have been fed up with Sony for a while, but it matters little to the cute girl at the counter at Starbucks. Take those rants, $3.50 to Starbucks and get some java. Yes, no one cares.


Microsoft cares about gamers because there is competition. Their goal is monopoly. Do they care about users when they were releasing Vista? I think not.


They never care about their OSes because folks will buy them. I have learned from Windows 95 never to buy an OS until Service Pack 2 hits.

Even Major Nelson's blog is a facade ... if it's a big issue, he'll tell his higher ups, but if it's petty stuff, he'll ignore it like a woman at a bar getting hit on by several dudes. 

madskillz said:

Here's your problem right here - Sony has NEVER cared about gamers - they have never listened, especially in this generation. Case and point - the disk read error. Sony flat out denied it - and I had to turn to the Web to find answers. A blog said they'd repair it for free - just like the RROD drama. I called Sony and they said it would be $129 - but guess what? They *waived* the fee. They have made no attempt whatsoever to listen to gamers like MS does with Major Nelson's blog, or like Ninny did in Wash. St. with folks - letting families test out Wiis before rolling them out.

Sony didn't listen to gamers one bit while making the PS3. At least MS, when they said they were axing BC, heard the chatter on forums and reversed course. Sony didn't listen when folks balked at paying $499 and $599 - and higher overseas - for their Blu Ray reading, video game console. They didn't listen when folks told them it wasn't selling as fast as it was. And they didn't listen to gamers when they removed PS2 BC - for one of the most popular consoles of all time. They will listen if folks just boycott them and don't stand for their foolishness.

However, a lot of folks are still buying whatever crap Sony throws out. I was dead serious when I said I would never buy a PS3 without BC. I ended up with one because it was essentially a free one - games for the PS3 - and I would have *settled* for that POC. Yet, after having it shipped - I found the PS3 I wanted.

Am I a PS3 fan? No. I see good points, great points and horrible points with it. Am I a 360 fan? No. I see it as a good gaming machine, but having RROD and the LIVE drama sucked big time.

I have been fed up with Sony for a while, but it matters little to the cute girl at the counter at Starbucks. Take those rants, $3.50 to Starbucks and get some java. Yes, no one cares. 


Why are you so bitter? do you need a hug?

IMO Sony does listen to their customers.
Lots of psp added features are asked by the customers.
themes, wallpapers, skype, playing music while browsing pictures and a bunch of others.

how about the ps3?
The boomerang, Divx, themes, wallpapers, rumble, soon to be in-game-xmb

yes sony does listen to their customers


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

HoodFigga said:
The one thing that agitates me about Sony in general is that we've seen all this amazing footage of games, but yet the majority of them aren't even out yet.

I.E. Killzone 2 , Metal Gear Solid .

If thats not bad enough there is no official release date for these titles, just sometime spring. Everything just ends up delayed.

 If they have no release date they can't really be delayed :/ Also note, have you seen some of these titles that do get delayed, more often than not they're still terrible xD Could you immagine what they'd be like if they wern't delayed?

Each company has they're pro's and con's, I'm not going to act like Sony's perfect. But people tend to think they're anti-customer, which is plain stupid. Sony's a hardware company above all else, and as such I expected them to deliver me quality hardware. Well, in my opinion, they did just that >_>  

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.