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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - NintenDomination - Sorry VGC, But Your Thread Is In Another Castle


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Conegamer said:
I really hate the way videogame manuals have become just pieces of card :/

Dont we all =(

Fuck the trees, I WANT MY MANUALS!!!! Oh and in color too.

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ktay95 said:
Conegamer said:
I really hate the way videogame manuals have become just pieces of card :/

Dont we all =(

Fuck the trees, I WANT MY MANUALS!!!! Oh and in color too.

Agreed. I love trees, but was reading through some old N64 manuals and looking at the's a real shame there's no character anymore. I always used to enjoy reading through the manuals on the way home to play the game, now how can I do that?


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

THis thread needs to be better supported.  Post news more often and update the title on a regular basis.  I know your on VGC a lot Cone so perk this place up.  There is all kinds of news, rumors, tweets etc out there.  Nintendo has a big community on VGC so attract them to this thread

New Details on Nintendo E3 and Plans for Smash Bros 4

New details have been revealed for the E3 2014 plans of "Super Smash Bros 4" for Wii U and 3DS. According to a report fromGamer Headlines on May 17, Nintendo won't be holding a major press conference at the gaming convention. Instead, the publisher is going to host several smaller events, including two separate "developer conferences."

The first is based on "Super Smash Bros 4" for Wii U and 3DS with Masahiro Sakurai serving as the host. The event is scheduled to begin on June 10 with a start time of 10 p.m. EST. Fans should be able to learn plenty about the upcoming title, including some potential character reveals, since the conference is expected to last 90 minutes.

On the second day of E3 2014, Nintendo is also hosting a second event, which will focus on a new video game for the 3DS. The conference is going to begin at 9 p.m. EST on June 11 and should last at around the same time as the first one. Both conferences most likely won't be live-streamed as only selected investors and press members are invited to attend. However, news should still be trickling out during the two presentations.

Nintendo had some interesting reveals in the past using the same format. For example, Shigeru Miyamoto provided a first look at a game that eventually became known as "The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword." The company previously hinted at some new hardware developments related to health products.

Along with the developer conference, Nintendo will also be holding a "Super Smash Bros 4" for Wii U tournament specifically for the top players of the series. Furthermore, demo stations are going to be set up at select Best Buy stores. Aside from the crossover fighting game, the publisher is also expected to focus on "Bayonetta 2," "Hyrule Warriors," "X" and other games for the home console.

"Super Smash Bros 4" for Wii U is still several months away from shipping as the product won't be coming until the winter season. "Super Smash Bros 4" for 3DS is due to come out earlier, however, as it will be shipping during the summer months. The two iterations are in development simultaneously at the Sora and Bandai Namco Games studios. You can find a screen of the console game from the series' Facebook site with the photo near the top of this article.


Hmm, interesting screens for Hyrule Warriors. It's the kind of game which looks interesting, but I'm not sure if it'd be as fun to play.

Definitely looks cool though; and the new Link design is slowly winning me over.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

spurgeonryan said:

If no one posts or has anything to talk about, you are only allowed to post 2-3 posts in a row. 4-5 over time but that is it. Between 4 systems and other ventures, nintendo gamers on here just are not interested or are not spammers.

For the first few months of XBO Nation i was the main news facilitor.  I would search for news and post it and switch the title up regularly.  After a while people were also posting news other than me.  I also made it into a contest for a while, anybody who posted news would get points.  

Nintendo gamers, just like Xbox and PS gamers want to read news and theyll discuss that news.  Give it to them quicker than anybody else or show that your dedicated on getting it quickly at least and more people will come in.  People arent going to discuss anything if this thread isnt supported more.  

People arent just going to enter the thread because it has NintenDomination in the title.  Its old news now, so bring in more current news for people to talk about


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JayWood2010 said:

THis thread needs to be better supported.  Post news more often and update the title on a regular basis.  I know your on VGC a lot Cone so perk this place up.  There is all kinds of news, rumors, tweets etc out there.  Nintendo has a big community on VGC so attract them to this thread

No I agree, initially I tried to post a load of news but then Slarvax and Salnax started to help out, and Spurge as well from time to time. They post the news in a nice little summary at the end of the day and so that's kinda how it is here now, along with the weekly tourneys (which will likely perk up attention come MK8 release, where I'm planning on rejigging the thread a little). 

I've no problem with that, but if other people wish to post news as well or even discuss it or other games then that's perfectly fine by me. There's no Ryuu-like figure here though with the skills to find all the news and post it frequently which is where it falls down a touch


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:
JayWood2010 said:


I use to be the Ryuu figure, not on his level but you understand what im saying.  Your the leader so you should give people a reason to post in here rather than relying on others too much.


JayWood2010 said:

I use to be the Ryuu figure, not on his level but you understand what im saying.  Your the leader so you should give people a reason to post in here rather than relying on others too much.

Yeah, I know where you're coming from. Like I said I did do that initially until others came in and took over, and the general news being posted in the evenings all in one place is pretty handy as well.

Perhaps when I've reformatted the thread I'll push it a little harder, but that'll be around E3 time. Still, thanks for the advice!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

spurgeonryan said:
Conegamer said:
Hmm, interesting screens for Hyrule Warriors. It's the kind of game which looks interesting, but I'm not sure if it'd be as fun to play.

Definitely looks cool though; and the new Link design is slowly winning me over.

Did you like Link's Crossbow training for Wii?


There is Me, but unlike Ryuu, I cannot post 20 posts in a row, because no one replies like in those threads. I could push news all day. But more than 3 posts in a row is against rules. So that is where this thread is at....

Link's Crossbow Training was alright; a nice little spinoff for the series which was most enjoyable.

Also you're doing a great job Spurge (and everyone else in this thread), so keep it up guys!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

I would come here more often and discuss about everything, but I'm always late to the topic :(

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988