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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - NintenDomination - Sorry VGC, But Your Thread Is In Another Castle


Rate Conegamer's Reign

10 81 70.43%
9 4 3.48%
8 2 1.74%
7 3 2.61%
6 0 0%
5 1 0.87%
4 0 0%
3 0 0%
2 1 0.87%
1 8 6.96%
Clyde32 said:

You're new to this, so I'll give you a break, but you honestly cannot rush a Zelda game no matter the size of the team.


More people and more money always solves everything!

Around the Network
cycycychris said:
Nintendo teased a new Animal crossing announcement coming this year, i hope that saves christmas.

Xenoblade can still save Christmas.

Never lose hope!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

It didn't do much for Wii. Don't see it doing even the same for Wii U.
The 3DS version sold like 4M less than the DS game. The Wii U game would likely see a good decline aswell from Wii's 4.61M.

cycycychris said:
Conegamer said:
cycycychris said:
Nintendo teased a new Animal crossing announcement coming this year, i hope that saves christmas.

Xenoblade can still save Christmas.

Never lose hope!

Kind of like how bayo 2 would give the Wii U a sales boost:(

Too niche All hope is gone from me after todays news.

Bayonetta 2 was a niche game in a niche genre.  Xenoblade, on the other hand, at least has the earmarks of a more mainstream title.  But I do believe it is too young to carry a holiday period. 

DélioPT said:
I wonder how Nintendo is going to replace a system seller in the holiday season.
Price cut? System seller waiting to be announced at E3? Both?

I really can't see how Nintendo will replace it...

I have a thread keeping track of what Nintendo's studios are making.

None of the studios that have unannounced games in development could make a system seller. Nor should you expect anything from Retro Studios, they won't even be at E3.

The only thing you can expect is something small and unexiting as Captain Toad.

Around the Network

Wow, this thread needs an industrial desalintor, goodness.

But I will now jump on one bandwagon: Nintendo NEEDS a Direct. Like, right now. There's too much chaos going around the internet, Nintendo needs to give the state of the union and stabilize this mess.

cycycychris said:
Conegamer said:
cycycychris said:
Nintendo teased a new Animal crossing announcement coming this year, i hope that saves christmas.

Xenoblade can still save Christmas.

Never lose hope!

Kind of like how bayo 2 would give the Wii U a sales boost:(

Too niche All hope is gone from me after todays news.

All hope? Nah. But it's definitely not as bright now.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Direct......Direct.......calling from Earth to Mars.

Clyde32 said:
WhiteEaglePL said:
Nintendo should invest in a bigger Zelda EAD, seeing as how these last 2 3D Zelda games are taking at least 5 years to make...

You're new to this, so I'll give you a break, but you honestly cannot rush a Zelda game no matter the size of the team.

Yeah, but maybe it would take less time for them to realise they need more time, since in the video Aounuma said that only in the last 3 months they got too many ideas going.


Though your right. Still a bummer to wait longer for a better game tho.

Maybe Nintendo will pick up that Mario 64 fan remake :O

Hehe, I noticed that the poll was a head-to-head race between Conegamer and FlamingWeazel until the latter was uncovered as Kerotan. He's sitting at 18 votes since then.

So, the 30th anniversary of Zelda is on February 21... Do you think a three month delay would be possible or do you expect a longer one like an entire year?