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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - NintenDomination - Sorry VGC, But Your Thread Is In Another Castle


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I don't want to get my hopes up for the reveal because:
A.) It might not be localized, whatever it is
B.) It might not end up being big at all. Although if it's as big of a system seller as Mario, then it has to be big, right? Literally the only thing I can think of that would fall in that category for Japan is Dragon Quest (since FF and KH are already out of the question)

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


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Skullwaker said:
I don't want to get my hopes up for the reveal because:
A.) It might not be localized, whatever it is
B.) It might not end up being big at all. Although if it's as big of a system seller as Mario, then it has to be big, right? Literally the only thing I can think of that would fall in that category for Japan is Dragon Quest (since FF and KH are already out of the question)

My thoughts exactly... If it is DQ, there is a chance it will not be localized.

But I do really want another DQ game... DQIX was awesome!

NintenDomination [May 2015 - July 2017]

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NintenDomination [2015/05/19 - 2017/07/02]




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Platina said:
My thoughts exactly... If it is DQ, there is a chance it will not be localized.

But I do really want another DQ game... DQIX was awesome!

I think the only reason DQX wasn't localized is because it was an MMO and didn't do super great numbers in Japan for that reason, so they didn't want to take a risk by localizing it and setting up the servers in the west if there was a low chance for success. 

If DQXI is a traditional RPG, I can definitely see that coming to the west. Especially since DQH (a musou styled DQ game) is coming over this year.

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


Maybe is the Yokai 3 official announcement.

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Seem that the big reveal is Dragon Quest... :O
But as for now is a rumor.

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I wouldn't expect anything big from Famitsu, they could announce something like a One Piss game or something.

But whatever, full hype mode, Bloodborne for WiiU, comes with Dark Souls I & II remastered due to its late release.

Also with a demo of Zeldaborne, or Zelda Souls, or Dark Zelda, pick your favorite, which will be announced at the Nintendo Direct sometime in the future.

Skullwaker said:
Platina said:
My thoughts exactly... If it is DQ, there is a chance it will not be localized.

But I do really want another DQ game... DQIX was awesome!

I think the only reason DQX wasn't localized is because it was an MMO and didn't do super great numbers in Japan for that reason, so they didn't want to take a risk by localizing it and setting up the servers in the west if there was a low chance for success. 

If DQXI is a traditional RPG, I can definitely see that coming to the west. Especially since DQH (a musou styled DQ game) is coming over this year.

Yeah. MMOs are usually a hit or miss in the West so it probably wouldn't do so well.... Plus it has a lot of text so localization takes a lot of money and resources.

Even DQIX didn't sell so well in the West compared to Japan so the chance that DQXI it wouldn't be localized is still quite high :(

NintenDomination [May 2015 - July 2017]

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NintenDomination [2015/05/19 - 2017/07/02]




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[3DS] Winter Playtimes [Wii U]

Platina said:
Yeah. MMOs are usually a hit or miss in the West so it probably wouldn't do so well.... Plus it has a lot of text so localization takes a lot of money and resources.

Even DQIX didn't sell so well in the West compared to Japan so the chance that DQXI it wouldn't be localized is still quite high :(

To be fair, most Japanese games don't sell all that well in the west compared to Japan. The only ones that I would say that do are Final Fantasy games, Nintendo games, the Souls series, Metal Gear, and a couple others. 

Even still, DQIX sold over 1m in the west so I don't think Squeenix would gloss over potential sales like that. We'll see though. I don't think they'd localize games like Bravely Default but not a mainline Dragon Quest, you know?

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


Skullwaker said:
Platina said:
Yeah. MMOs are usually a hit or miss in the West so it probably wouldn't do so well.... Plus it has a lot of text so localization takes a lot of money and resources.

Even DQIX didn't sell so well in the West compared to Japan so the chance that DQXI it wouldn't be localized is still quite high :(

To be fair, most Japanese games don't sell all that well in the west compared to Japan. The only ones that I would say that do are Final Fantasy games, Nintendo games, the Souls series, Metal Gear, and a couple others. 

Even still, DQIX sold over 1m in the west so I don't think Squeenix would gloss over potential sales like that. We'll see though. I don't think they'd localize games like Bravely Default but not a mainline Dragon Quest, you know?

Well hopefully, I'm proven wrong because I would really like to see another main DQ game!

NintenDomination [May 2015 - July 2017]

  - Official  VGChartz Tutorial Thread - 

NintenDomination [2015/05/19 - 2017/07/02]




Here lies the hidden threads. 

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[3DS] Winter Playtimes [Wii U]