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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - NintenDomination - Sorry VGC, But Your Thread Is In Another Castle


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Platina said:
Agreed. Keeping the fans in the dark only works to a certain extent.

Without info, no hype and less awareness...

There will be info at E3 2016. Iwata only mentioned the NX to stave off the people who think that Nintendo going mobile is doom for the console division. It isn't. Everyone specualting on the NX and pushing for more info is only hurting Nintendo even more so. They don't want to talk about it because they have a current console they plan on fully supporting through 2016 at the earliest. They would shoot themselves (sorta have already) in the foot if they talked all about it and those who were contemplating the Wii U just waited for the NX. You also risk pissing off the faithful who want the Wii U to be supported as well. Nintendo is between a rock and a hard place.

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uran10 said:
Splatoon GameXplain discussion (no voice chat)

Looks like they confirmed it to be running at 60fps, which probably means the game will be running 720p 60fps. If it is actually 1080p, I will lose my sh*t :P


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Wildcard36qs said:
Platina said:
Agreed. Keeping the fans in the dark only works to a certain extent.

Without info, no hype and less awareness...

There will be info at E3 2016. Iwata only mentioned the NX to stave off the people who think that Nintendo going mobile is doom for the console division. It isn't. Everyone specualting on the NX and pushing for more info is only hurting Nintendo even more so. They don't want to talk about it because they have a current console they plan on fully supporting through 2016 at the earliest. They would shoot themselves (sorta have already) in the foot if they talked all about it and those who were contemplating the Wii U just waited for the NX. You also risk pissing off the faithful who want the Wii U to be supported as well. Nintendo is between a rock and a hard place.

What's hilarious is people complaining about Nintendo talking all about NX and Nintendo letting news on NX overshadow the Wii U.  First off, Nintendo has said virtually nothing; the media has been the ones doing all the talking.  Second, Nintendo can't control the clickbait culture of the internet.  Sites will make articles on whatever they want to get clicks and if that means haranguing Nintendo and speculating wildly on NX with no foundation, that's want they'll do.  Nintendo can't prevent that.

New Splatoon trailer

Damn that is a mighty fine trailer for Splatoon. Who here will be picking it up?


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Around the Network
Conegamer said:
Damn that is a mighty fine trailer for Splatoon. Who here will be picking it up?

Pretty sure it's not official. 




Also, along with the mystery announcement, there will be some stuff on DGS in the next issue.

Clyde32 said:
Conegamer said:
Damn that is a mighty fine trailer for Splatoon. Who here will be picking it up?

Pretty sure it's not official. 




Also, along with the mystery announcement, there will be some stuff on DGS in the next issue.

Sometimes the best trailers are the ones with just pure gameplay. They're the ones which excite me the most anyway.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Yeah, Splatoon looks a lot better now. It's weird that they still show the E3 build at conventions.

And it the deals in the UK get better and better, it's £25.00 with shipping included now.

The more i see from the game, the more i'm excited for it.
People seem to really like it despite the original mechanics, so that might be a good sign for the franchise. Really hope i like it too!

I'm thinking about picking up Shovel Knight, but I'm not sure on which platform; 3DS or Wii U? Is there any difference between the two versions?

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.