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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wal-Mart to cover up M-rated games


The largest retailer of all has taken new measures to try to protect its consumers from potentially controversial video games.

Much like adult magazines had in the past, Wal-Mart will soon be displaying M-rated titles with a black sleeve covering three quarters of the cover of each title. The hope is that this will prevent children from any kind of exposure to anything that might be offensive on the cover of a game.

“It is the responsibility of Wal-Mart to protect our children from potentially damaging content, such as the covers of some video games,” said a company spokesperson.

When asked why the sleeves would matter when the titles are stored behind glass, the company had no comment. The new program is expected to be implemented later this year. There are also plans to cover T-rated titles with a more modest half sleeve.



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^wow - that is going too far

I thought this said Mario Kart Wii rated M. I was like WTF?

Ok, I can see covering the M rated games (not that i think they should) but covering the T games halfway, is retarded....

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
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Nordlead Jr. Photo/Video Gallery!!! (Video Added 4/19/10)

Rofl, oh dear this is going a bit too far.

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I agree that this is taking it a bit too far.


Captian_Twig said:
I thought this said Mario Kart Wii rated M. I was like WTF?

 where did u get mario kart from walmart?

i hope they follow this up by coving up all R rated movies and a half cover for all pg-13 movies.

what is this world coming to?

that is taking it too far

and brawl will be covered up???