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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 'Knack' Edges PlayStation 4 Ahead Of Xbox One For Family Gamers

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-What EVERYONE of these threads turn into....

4 ≈ One

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selnor1983 said:
Mike_L said:
selnor1983 said:

Waaahh b b b bMicrosoft wont be relevant in 4 years. Wait what, they postes wat Financial figures. Oh crap.

You're right. They already are irrelevant without their business and server solutions. Windows is on a -18% severe decline and Windows Phone is stuck at a very low market share. The only remaining consumer product is Xbox One and analysts predict it to have half the market share of PS4 by 2018.

So you think Microsoft on track for best record sales ever for them in their history is all down to Xbox. Love it. Love it. Financials dont lie. Microsoft are in a better position than ever. Thats how you run a business. They just made a porfit in 1 quater to the total value of Sony or Nintendo and then some.


That's the opposite of what I'm saying. Their position are entirely due to their business and server solutions. Not their consumer products.