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Forums - Gaming Discussion - First ever 4k next gen gameplay

Frequency said:
Pemalite said:

You're forgetting the game is still in pre-alpha.
Allot of assets like those rockets are still being worked on, the game is designed as a high-end PC game, most single GPU's should struggle, I.E. Not achieve 60fps even at 1080P.

In which case when its released and i point out the same, can we then agree that the notion of going to such lengths is a silly one?

youre essentially telling me to believe that theyre going to do all this work, get it to the point of a trailer, then scrap all the models and remake them in higher quality?, i doubt it, as both a gamer and a developer, i doubt it very much.

The trailers are adverts, designed to get people to pledge in order to fund the games development.
The hanger module for instance has seen a couple of geometric improvements since it's release.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

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Frequency said:

If you can run a game at 4k, then it runs at 4k, 4k is just a resolution as such the topic claims this to be the first game to run at 4k, which given that its a pc title, its extra silly.

again, games will always show better results at higher resolutions except for objects extremey close to the screen, as more pixels of each texture as visable on models further away that otherwise would be a muddy mess.

To make it absolutely clear, heres battlefield 3, prior to take off from the carrier, both at the same settings the only difference is the left is upscaled from its native 1080p to match the size of the 4k image.

Edges and aliasing are not the only thing that improves, as i have now said multiple times.


As I've said before, while I agree with you on most points, please look at the plane cockpit of the screenshot part of which you've provided (dials, textures and so on)


zarx said:
Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
How is this cool? 4K is a resolution.

it's a really high resolution


And looks pretty good. The only problem is price, but that is just a matter of time.