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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Post if you are a Sega Fan!

Yes, Sega FTW! After Sony they are my favorite, I had so much fun with my Genesis. Seeeeeeeegaaaaaaaaaaa! God I miss that sound.........

I hope they come back for a generation and kick everyone's ass, that would be hysterical. Or they should join Sony...........Muahahahaha!

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Sega was king (IMO) when I was a kid. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Spider Man were my favorite games.

My uncle was a huge Sega fan. When he died in 2002, we buried him with his first Sega Genisis he bought. (He wanted that and some items he collected during his service in Vietnam buried with him). That is dedication.


Games I as a sega fan are currently excited for:
Yakuza 2
Yakuza 3
Valkyrie of the Battle Field
Golden Axe
The Club
Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood

Sega games I have recently enjoyed after sega went 3rd party:
Blood will Tell(totally underated)
Astro boy (GBA)
Virtua Tennis 3
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Toe Jam and Earl 3
Sonic Rush Adventure
Gun Valkyrie
Jet Set Radio Future
Sonic Heroes(I don't get the hate for this game)

Shining Force GBA

Games I have been meaning to try:
Billy Hatcher
Nights Journey into Dreams
Medevil Total War
Universe at War
Sega Rally Revo
Billy Hatcher
Sonic Rush
Bleach (DS)



inurenegade said:

Well everyone was doing it with nintendo, MS, and Sony so i figured why not do a Sega fan thread?

So who on this site is a sega fan even though they dont make consoles atm?

I have to say i am a Sega fan but when the Dreamcast died i became a sort of sony fan but deep down i still am a fan of sega and if they come out with another console i will be right there waiting to ge it.

 that exactly wots happened with me :)

Consoles I own: Dreamcast, PSP

I used to be. I still like their RPGs, but a lot of their games have declined in quality a bit. They are definitely one of the more inventive developers still though.

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For those who say they used to like Sega... I'm right there with ya. Sonic used to be good and not f***ed up. Give me two years and the right people and tools and I can create a good Sonic game! :(

The BuShA owns all!

Bring back a 2D Sonic, with a level and item creator function, and I will buy it.


I prefered Sega over Nintendo up until the Dreamcast went away. Once that happened I became a fan of Linux and Nintendo games. I have only purchased(that I know of) one Sega game in the last few years and that was Sonic and the Secret Rings.

I only like sonic from sega now, back then I owned a genesis and Dreamcast

I have a hard time understanding why anyone would be a Sega fan at this point. It's akin to being an Apple fan in 1996... Tons of nostalgia, little else to back it up.

I loved the Genesis and really liked the DC, despite Sega giving a hard thick one sans lubricant to their customer base in the form of the 32X & Sega CD.

Now the company is an empty shell of its former self. Sad.

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