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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is 2008, the beginning of the end for the XBox 360?

Dark_Lord_2008 said:

With poor console sales figures in its first two years. One in 3 failure rate for hardware. Its main competitors Nintendo and Sony released one year after, one of which (Wii) has already passed the XBox 360 console sales. The best list of video games for 2007 (including Bioshock and Halo 3) , which failed to increase console sales. A mediocre list of exclusive titles for 2008. What does the future hold for Microsoft's XBox 360?

I currently own an XBox 360 and I am deciding on trading the XBox 360 in for a Nintendo Wii. Nintendo Wii may not have the graphical edge but least the games are fun to play and are not all FPS (PS3 and XBox 360)

 I don't think its the end for Microsoft's console, but it is in danger of permanent third-place status if trends continue and something drastic is not done VERY soon. Of course, the Xbox 360 version of GTA4 will be the preferred version in the US and Canada, but that game is not going to move systems outside NA. 

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Dark_Lord_2008 said:

With poor console sales figures in its first two years. One in 3 failure rate for hardware. Its main competitors Nintendo and Sony released one year after, one of which (Wii) has already passed the XBox 360 console sales. The best list of video games for 2007 (including Bioshock and Halo 3) , which failed to increase console sales. A mediocre list of exclusive titles for 2008. What does the future hold for Microsoft's XBox 360?

I currently own an XBox 360 and I am deciding on trading the XBox 360 in for a Nintendo Wii. Nintendo Wii may not have the graphical edge but least the games are fun to play and are not all FPS (PS3 and XBox 360)

Even though I personally love the wii and don't ever plan to get a 360 (maybe a PS3 some day), I recommend when you get a wii that you keep the 360, at least for a few months.  It's rare,but I have heard of a few people not liking the wii as much once they had it.  3rd party support is improving on the wii, it's not like the 360 is going to loose all support this year.  Might be fairly weak by 2010 though...



I've said it before and I'll keep repeating it again and again. MS will leave the console business and go back to their core. MS has not won the battle of making a profit. They had 2 good quarters, but even those haven't made a dent in their huge losses.

The Wii affects 360 users, but the effects of that are overrated. I do believe that Wii sales affect the 360 more then they do the PS3. The last one is of course a bit more powerful and known for its multimedia features. I love my Wii, but I really don't have it for that, don't even have it hooked up to the net actually.

Fable 2 being the second best selling ip means absolutely nothing on a console that dealt with low sales. It just shows that Halo was the game for ms and they sold that developer. Still exclusively making games for MS just translates to: waiting for better offer. The sale of bungie once again pointed out that MS is selling their gamedivision bit by bit while they can get a really good price.

PSN name: Gazz1979 (feel free to add me, but please put your Vgchartz name in the message!)

Battlefield 2: Gazz1979


Is this the beginning of the end for the PS3?

With poor console sales figures in its first year. Terrible image in the minds of the general gaming public. Its main competitors Nintendo and Microsoft released have several-million-unit-advantages, one of which (Wii) has more than doubled its' sales in the same timeframe. Most of its' big games are also available on its' competitor which is $100 cheaper. A mediocre list of exclusive titles for 2007. What does the future hold for Sony's Playstation 3?

See? I can do that, too!

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

""The Wii affects 360 users, but the effects of that are overrated. I do believe that Wii sales affect the 360 more then they do the PS3. The last one is of course a bit more powerful and known for its multimedia features. I love my Wii, but I really don't have it for that, don't even have it hooked up to the net actually.""

==> I think too
the effect of the Wii is very important !!!

I believe that, without the Wii, MS would be able to sell 2 or 3 fold more Arcade sku (cheap as a Wii, targetting casual as a Wii)

It is why, currently, the Xbox360 is not able to fully use her cheaper entry price compared to the PS3 (280$ vs 400$) : the Wii is stealing casual from MS !
Then the Xbox360 is not able to make the transition the PS2 made fews years ago and it is why the sales are only average.

Time to Work !

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""With poor console sales figures in its first year. Terrible image in the minds of the general gaming public. Its main competitors Nintendo and Microsoft released have several-million-unit-advantages, one of which (Wii) has more than doubled its' sales in the same timeframe. Most of its' big games are also available on its' competitor which is $100 cheaper. A mediocre list of exclusive titles for 2007. What does the future hold for Sony's Playstation 3? ""

==> thekitchensink

it seems u forget to mention that the PS3, despite all the bad events u mentionned, was outsolding her 100$ cheaper competitor ...

Time to Work !

No. lol.

Mrstickball said:

Oyv - I'm reffering to consoles, not handhelds, as the DS has a very strong advantage in nearly every catagory.

I don't think you understood the joke, Cute Kitten DS' average rating is at below 3 :P

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

360 will be around for awhile. It just will be in last place. Nothing wrong with that, as Sony has had to deal with it for 2 years in a row and now they are doing great. PSP might have topped DS for the 2nd week in a row in Japan with no big games to push the number up. And PS3 is gaining on 360 worldwide every week.

No way, just as it wasnt the end on PS3 when it was selling poorely all those months. I dont think any of these consoles are going away anytime soon. Its just something fanboys utter to make them feel good about their purchase.

360 has been the king in regards to moving software, they are profitable, the future is brighter than the past, just like with the PS3