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Forums - Sony Discussion - My switch from a 60GB PS3 to a 40GB.

lol dude just buy a usb hub and a usb card reader then buy a cheap ps2, or u shuldve kept ur ps2.

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CaptainPrefrences said:
lol dude just buy a usb hub and a usb card reader then buy a cheap ps2, or u shuldve kept ur ps2.

I guess you didn't read the original post. The PS2 forced us to retire it after over 7 years of service. I'll learn to switch whats in the usb to fit my needs at the time. Unless I get RockBand, I don't need more than two ports. And if mentionned that the card reader is simply replaced by plugging the PSP with the USB cable.

No worries. 

How come u jus didn't give ur mom the 40gb, and you jus kept ur 60gb. Instead of giving her the 60 and you keeping the 40.

nvm, B.C. gotcha, lol.

You hit the "whisper quiet" part on the nail!

I never realized how quiet the PS3 is till I've been playing 360 a ton the last couple weeks! It soulds like a chainsaw.

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I discovered that when placed vertically, the vent on top of the 40GB is an intake, as opposed to the 60GB which is an exhaust. Meaning that dust that settles on top and is blown away on the 60 would now get sucked into the 40GB. I don't have the room where it needs to be to place it horizontally.

Glad we switched to Hard wood floors.

coolestguyever said:
You hit the "whisper quiet" part on the nail!

I never realized how quiet the PS3 is till I've been playing 360 a ton the last couple weeks! It soulds like a chainsaw.

Now that's just crazy.  My 360 does NOT sound like a chainsaw!  A large diesel engine, perhaps, but not a chainsaw... sheesh.


wow i could not give up my ps3 60 gig you should of gave her a ps2 its cheaper!!! lol

Dno said:
wow i could not give up my ps3 60 gig you should of gave her a ps2 its cheaper!!! lol

 Yes, but this way she can play Ratchet and Clank Future. Also, we can split the cost of PSN games or other games that I might not buy on my own. (SnakeBall or Folklore for example.) I still have access to the 60GB when I need it.

I would have looked for one of the 80Gb ones on ebay for like 50$, seriously, PS3 sales are like dead. and i would only buy a PS3 if my ps2 doed, i coulnt buy one anywhere and i won the lottery. so having no Bc, a smaller HD and less options seems kinda like a bad move, unless u get a 40GB ps3 and a ps2, which is proll just about the same price as a new 80Gb model.