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Forums - Sales Discussion - if ps3 doesnt match ps2 with sales will it be called a failure

"failure" simply has a too negative "connotation" (sense) for me

but I agree, NOW, compared to the PS2/PSX, it is doing a worse

and NO, HappySqurriel, PES played with a Wiimote is not "far more intelligent", it is just "different" ...

Time to Work !

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libellule said:
"failure" simply has a too negative "connotation" (sense) for me

but I agree, NOW, compared to the PS2/PSX, it is doing a worse

and NO, HappySqurriel, PES played with a Wiimote is not "far more intelligent", it is just "different" ...

Well, I don't play many soccer games and when I was thinking of PES I was thinking about Hockey ...

Maybe I'm alone but when I play Hockey in real life I can choose to pass to anyone around me, and I can gesture to them to move into a place to get my pass (thereby setting up a play); and I'm not forced to pass in the exact direction I am moving towards a player who seems oblivious to a play I'm trying to set up. I guess you could say that PES's controlls are just different, but I think being able to replicate actual gameplay is more intelligent.

HELL YEAH, now the trend of sonyfans is ps3 is bigger then the xbox360
at the start of the gen it was ps3 will be marketleader blablablah...
domination with motorstorm..

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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No, no they didn't. Some random group theorized they were breaking even. Sony had no official statement on their stance. Furthermore, the last intereview i saw was that they planned to break even mid 2009.

Business week is not some random group. The PS3 has been breaking even for a month now.

This will only take a moment of your time. *steals your watch*

swyggi said:
No, no they didn't. Some random group theorized they were breaking even. Sony had no official statement on their stance. Furthermore, the last intereview i saw was that they planned to break even mid 2009.

Business week is not some random group. The PS3 has been breaking even for a month now.

it is just an estimate... from some group with no real info

if you believe them you can also look here

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

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kirby007 said:
swyggi said:
No, no they didn't. Some random group theorized they were breaking even. Sony had no official statement on their stance. Furthermore, the last intereview i saw was that they planned to break even mid 2009.

Business week is not some random group. The PS3 has been breaking even for a month now.

it is just an estimate... from some group with no real info

if you believe them you can also look here

But at the same time, we don't have conclusive evidence pointing contrary to the rumor either. We do know that almost all the component's that make a PS3 have shrunk in dye size and cost, and we know that Sony is notoriously amazing for getting the cost of their units down. I have little reason to believe they're not breaking even. Esepecially with so many major players comming up in 08, I'm expecting another price drop sometime soon.

They also had a profitable quarter, which many people did NOT predict. More PS3's sold at a loss doesn't add up for gains in their gaming devision. 

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

it wont be a failure but we cant say it's a success
at least it must pases 80 million for calling it a success


It is a success for Sony. It help win the format war and will be profitable in the end. It won't make Sony's original goal of surpassing PS2, or PS1, sales but, it will do nicely in the end at a comfortable 2nd place.

Bah, who cares, all this predicting is a waste of time, what will happen, will happen, our predictions mean jackshit.