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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Pokémon X/Y review thread! 89 Metascore!

Y version is missing some reviews in Gamerankings, X has more, and is at 86.12%

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pezus said:
It's 88 now. I predict it will end at 87!

What?  Pokemon X was already at 88 the entire time, I believe.  Pokemon Y is at 89.  

pezus said:
MDMAlliance said:
pezus said:
It's 88 now. I predict it will end at 87!

What?  Pokemon X was already at 88 the entire time, I believe.  Pokemon Y is at 89.  


I just checked metacritic's front page and they only show X (well, it has more reviews).

I get why they separated the games, but it might have been better to have them together.  It's kind of weird seeing two games that are essentially the same (small differences that shouldn't really change the score) have different ratings.

Ho-oh has better music but lugia is cooler.

Ho-oh has better minigame, lugia's too stupid and convoluted
Soul Silver + 1. HG +.5
- dis - dat

88.9248484995..... 89.993930