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Forums - NSFW Discussion - In-depth interview on the effects of pornography on children and young teens

Lulz said:
happydolphin said:

This topic interests me, and hopefully some others. If you disagree with the topic, please don't participate.

This is a discussion forum. What kind of discussion can you possibly have if you're only going to allow people who agree with you to participate?

Just seems a little odd to me is all.

I realize that was unclear. I meant: if you disagree with the topic. I did not mean: with the content.

Some people can be quite aggressive against the topic of sex on these forums. (saying it out of a bad experience).

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RolStoppable said:
Lulz said:
happydolphin said:

This topic interests me, and hopefully some others. If you disagree with the topic, please don't participate.

This is a discussion forum. What kind of discussion can you possibly have if you're only going to allow people who agree with you to participate?

Just seems a little odd to me is all.

It's nothing more than a pre-emptive measure, because another thread of his ("Why is pedophelia wrong?") didn't go over well. Disagreement with the topic means as much as: "Don't crucify me for posting this. Just stay out, if you don't like it."

That being said, the circumstances are hardly similar.

EDIT: Ninja'd, but I was right!

Yes you were.

VGPolyglot said:

Very nice read! I am a teenager myself, and the only time I watched porn was when I was looking though videos on one of my friend's PSP, and yeah, I guess that wasn't the best idea. I stay away from it, because I want my parents to trust what I do on the internet, and just like how I don't smoke, drink, or do drugs, I know that it can become an addiction, and I honesty don't really want to get addicted to something like that. I admit, I have other addictions (Thanks VGChartz -_-), but at least it's not for something like porn. I don't understand why people would want to get into an addiction like that, especially if you're under 18. I have never really kissed a girl either (I'm a bit socially awkward myself), but I can wait, instead of resorting to porn.

Edit: I forgot, I was also trying to find Chinese movies on the internet, and I came across this weird video. I stopped watching when I realized what it was, and I'll never watch it again.

The amount of people that become addicted VS how many try it is very low. The problem is you only hear about the bad cases not those that can handle it. I use to be that way about pot but as I got older I saw it more and more, not just from poor, down and out people, but highly successful people. People who live ordinary lives every day and they can take or leave it any time they want.

 The only addiction I have is from something that companies said was completely safe and not habit forming but they lied. I drink from time to time. Maybe once every 3 months. I smoked pot for a few years when I was younger but it never became an addiction. I was at a party and tried a line of cocaine one time but only because Jesus and Jerry Garcia were in the bathroom giving it out,Halloween party, and I thought itd make an interesting story. Never touched it again. Tried shrooms one time and never got anything off of them. I will not try crack,meth, heroine, any pill, even ones I am perscribed make me sick, or anything that has been linked to instant or easy addiction. I dont do pot any more but its safer than tobacco or alcohol and should be legal, nobody ever fired up a doobie and beat their wife and kid.

Sounds more like bad parenting to me.
Unsupervised internet access at age 10
Didn't know anything about sex by age 10.
His parents let him down by not being responsible enough to know the risks or to pass the right knowledge onto him.
My exes little girl was 9 when we dated and she never got to play online alone at my house. She was always playing beside me or her mom. If she did play alone in her room we monitored the laptop but I can only think of 1 time that happened because she always played some online kids game and would sometimes want my help or advice
I had sex ed classes in 5th grade and we talked about it in school even before that. We watched porn as young kids but only to laugh at it.

These studies are all derp lol...

I watch PLENTY of porn, I dont look at women as objects, I dont have ANY problems getting it up...ever. For christs sake, sometimes if I see a cartoon character with slightly tight clothes- BOING -...I dont have confidence issues or depression...

It's porn...its naked bodies inserting things into each other followed by self pleasuring goodness. If porn was horrible for us, every man in the world would have commited suicide by now.

...uhh...ill just put my favorite quote of all time here.

"Welcome to Pain, the second of three...You have dealt the deal with me!!"

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I'm pretty sure that every male I know, and a good portion of females, watch pornography. Pretty much all of them now engage in responsible roles in society, respect women, and have no criminal record.

Considering we're gamers, we should see through this nonsense. It's the same BS you have with gaming all the time. This guy played Call of Duty for hours a day and killed someone. Same thing.

There are people who are not mentally or emotionally equiped to deal with the world due to genetics, or upbringing or whatever. When these people engage in destructive behavior, we want an easy answer. It was the rap music he listened to, the porn he watched, the game he played, Marilyn Manson, etc. We blame media consumption, and in doing so, we address the symptom and not the condition.

JWeinCom said:
I'm pretty sure that every male I know, and a good portion of females, watch pornography. Pretty much all of them now engage in responsible roles in society, respect women, and have no criminal record.

Considering we're gamers, we should see through this nonsense. It's the same BS you have with gaming all the time. This guy played Call of Duty for hours a day and killed someone. Same thing.

There are people who are not mentally or emotionally equiped to deal with the world due to genetics, or upbringing or whatever. When these people engage in destructive behavior, we want an easy answer. It was the rap music he listened to, the porn he watched, the game he played, Marilyn Manson, etc. We blame media consumption, and in doing so, we address the symptom and not the condition.

This isn't really about blame but about the observations that are being made.

If you watch insomniac's videos, there is actually an effect that porn addiction has on the brain, and it can even cause ED, when breaking the addiction there are reverse trends that are being witnessed.

Again, not about blaming anyone. If you read through the content again or watch the video with that optic, you'll see it very differently.

happydolphin said:
JWeinCom said:
I'm pretty sure that every male I know, and a good portion of females, watch pornography. Pretty much all of them now engage in responsible roles in society, respect women, and have no criminal record.

Considering we're gamers, we should see through this nonsense. It's the same BS you have with gaming all the time. This guy played Call of Duty for hours a day and killed someone. Same thing.

There are people who are not mentally or emotionally equiped to deal with the world due to genetics, or upbringing or whatever. When these people engage in destructive behavior, we want an easy answer. It was the rap music he listened to, the porn he watched, the game he played, Marilyn Manson, etc. We blame media consumption, and in doing so, we address the symptom and not the condition.

This isn't really about blame but about the observations that are being made.

If you watch insomniac's videos, there is actually an effect that porn addiction has on the brain, and it can even cause ED, when breaking the addiction there are reverse trends that are being witnessed.

Again, not about blaming anyone. If you read through the content again or watch the video with that optic, you'll see it very differently.

I read through the article (most of it) but again, it's just focusing on symptoms of a larger problem.  If someone is violently stalking woment, that's not an effect that 99% of people have when they watch porn.  There is a deeper issue that is being ignored.

JWeinCom said:

I read through the article (most of it) but again, it's just focusing on symptoms of a larger problem.  If someone is violently stalking woment, that's not an effect that 99% of people have when they watch porn.  There is a deeper issue that is being ignored.

The thing is, the interviewee mentions that there are interests that get developed which wouldn't have otherwise:

"Our research at the clinic has found that although the internet doesn’t create these problems, it can release interests which would never have surfaced otherwise."

I think the example of the boy who wanting to hurt a person for pleasure is one case of it.

It's a really good topic to discuss, I'm glad you posted it. Here's my take:

Basically, you aren't going to be able to stop kids from ever seeing naked people. The way society is now, almost every kid has several devices that can connect to the internet. They are going to watch porn at some point, whether they intended to or not.

So you can try to block every device they own from accessing any site that can be deemed bad. You can pray they don't have any friends that would ever show them this content. You can campaign that porn is evil and try to get it removed from the internet. But none of it that is effective. It comes down to this:

Talk to your kids about sex. Talk to them about these images mean. Your little boy sees a vagina on the internet? Don't ignore the subject and try to block his browser from every accessing it. Make sure your child knows what you can and can't do. Don't let the internet tell your kids what sexuality is, man up and talk to them. Just because you didn't get "the talk" until you were 15 doesn't mean you have to wait that long for your kids. Accept the fact that today's generation has MUCH easier access to this type of content, and face it head on.