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Forums - Gaming Discussion - NBA Live 14 vs. NBA 2k14 (Poll)

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Which one will you get NBA 2k14 or NBA Live 14 ?

NBA 2k14 114 61.29%
NBA Live 14 44 23.66%
I will skip both 26 13.98%

I am going to give Live a try. I really like the trailer footage. Also, I am a huge fan of NBA 2K, but I hate how the past 2-3 games they have made it impossible to block / guard against dunks. Really annoying. I will likely end up getting both.

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h2o1977 said:
prayformojo said:
h2o1977 said:
prayformojo said:
NBA 2K is to Live what NFL 2k5 was to Madden. It's not even close.

This is exactly how I feel, its not even close.

Since its been delay several times over the past 2 years, and that bomb that was NBA ELITE

before it ever was released, showed that EA is focus more on Madden thatn NBA.

plus, 2k looks better and plays better since it first came out.

Wish 2k sports made NFL games..miss that one for sure.




Long live the king!!

Here Here...For the King

I always found it funny how it was the only football game ive ever bought and it turned out to be the best one ever made for a lot of people.

I'd get both, if I liked basketball. As it stands, I will get neither.

Sometimes the best games are the ones that are not made anymore.