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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will Sony let MS adopt blu ray???

Of Course! Sony would make money off every X360 sold.


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Did Sony Pictures let Activision produce Spiderman 3: The Movie for the XBox 360 and PS3?

Sony (like most large corporations) is broken up into several very large divisions who act (mostly) on their own in order to maximize revenue and profit. If Microsoft worked out a deal with Samsung to manufacture a Blu-Ray drive for the XBox 360, and Microsoft was willing to pay the necessary licencing fees, the few divisions of Sony that actually could do something to stop it would do nothing to prevent it; the increased revenue from the licencing fees for their division is worth far more to their director than for another division to have a strategic advantage.

Katilian said:
Ickalanda said:
Technically since its just for the games Microsoft could use HD DVD for their games in the future, like how the PSP uses UMDs even though its a "dead" format for movies.

360 games are only produced on DVD. Any effect it would have would be on the external drive and if they decided to integrate it in the future, but even in that case, games would still need to be on dvd for backwards compatibility.

 I think he is talking about thenext xbox, maybe Ninty will join too...

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of course - in fact, Sony prob. wants them to so BR can finally put an end to the war

I think that for the next MS console the best move would be that it uses a HD-DVD drive. Why? well if the format is almost dead then it would be very hard to find and very hard to copy games for it!

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Why not? Microsoft would be paying Sony royalties on every console they sold!


I think you can see why I posted this link here. That's how business works.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

If Microsoft makes the request I am sure Sony won't mind as Microsoft would have to pay it royalties :)



Given Oblivion and Mass Effect were each on one disc, and LO works fine with 4, I'd say that any advantage of Blu-Ray for gaming is yet-to-be-determined. The disadvantages on the other hand are clearly visible with higher console and disk costs, not to mention slightly slower read speeds.

What will be interesting is whether Blu-Ray gains enough market penetration to force MS to include it in the next Xbox console. If it doesn't Sony will have lost an ENORMOUS amount of money subsidizing blu-ray, and simultaneously sacrificing their console dominance. If it does, then I'm sure MS will do it, and Sony will not have an issue with it. As rocketpig points out, Sony couldn't stop it if they wanted to.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

makingmusic476 said:
Why not? Microsoft would be paying Sony royalties on every console they sold!

 Since VC1 playback is mandatory for any Blu-ray player, Sony is already paying royalties to Microsoft for each PS3 sold. It isn't unusual for competing companies to be paying royalites to each other for competing products.