TAGGING can't read now... but want too...
Talal said: I will permaban myself if the game releases in 2014. |
in reference to KH3 release date
TAGGING can't read now... but want too...
Talal said: I will permaban myself if the game releases in 2014. |
in reference to KH3 release date
This could end up ugly for nvidia seeing as how it will be more easier for amd also endorse tressfx from tomb raider and adv lighting from dirt showdown to make things even worse on the benchmarks.
fatslob-:O said: It may not be an nvidia killing move but I think It could be much worse such as amd trying to get a monopoly on the whole dGPU market. |
They will need a lot more than this if they want to push Nvidia out of the market. Nvidia are pushing some of the highest profit margins they have ever had at the moment. They have a lot of room to fire back if this takes off, which will be good for everyone as that will mean cheaper prices (or horrible if we end up with competing prepriatary APIs). We still don't know how much of a real world performance advanatage that this API will actually offer. And while most games will have DX/OpenGL support only a handful are going to have support for Mantle, most likely a select bunch of Gaming Evolved titles.
This move could also spark MS and the Kronus group into action to revamp their own APIs.
@TheVoxelman on twitter
zarx said:
This move could also spark MS and the Kronus group into action to revamp their own APIs. |
It's true that they will need alot more to push nvidia out so they have more things to endorse other developers to impliment.
the NVIDIA GRID looks amazing... probably costs a lot but I want one... not sure for what, but I want it!
Talal said: I will permaban myself if the game releases in 2014. |
in reference to KH3 release date
Interesting, this could be a big hit, or just like Nvidia's PhysX, blow away with a puff of smoke. It helps to remember for every PlayStation or DirectX version that comes out and succeed, that many more attempts at things have failed.
If it's really good, and other companies adopt it, then it could really be something.
papamudd said: the NVIDIA GRID looks amazing... probably costs a lot but I want one... not sure for what, but I want it! |
You want a server cluster to stream games over the internet?
@TheVoxelman on twitter
Zappykins said: Interesting, this could be a big hit, or just like Nvidia's PhysX, blow away with a puff of smoke. It helps to remember for every PlayStation or DirectX version that comes out and succeed, that many more attempts at things have failed. If it's really good, and other companies adopt it, then it could really be something. |
I'd be willing to bet that it would be a much more relevant hit than physx seeing as all consoles use amd now.
And now with Steammachines using AMD chips, and possibly Mantle, things could get real dirty for NVidia
fatslob-:O said:
I'd be willing to bet that it would be a much more relevant hit than physx seeing as all consoles use amd now. |
Hmmm, not sure I would take that bet either. NVidia may have come up with something special on their own - or join them. Like how most streaming devices use SilverLight (for the moment) rather than their own platform.
They have some neat server rendering stuff they have been working with Microsoft on, perhaps that's is another way they are planning future revenue? From the server GPU side? Or maybe someone like Intel will buy them up. (I have no idea about that.)
This will also put a little fire under Microsoft and might cause some interesting effects to DirectX 12, whenever that comes out.