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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Reasons to Get WiiFit

I posted in another thread my reasons for my reasons to get WiiFit. I'll repost them here, reorganized a little bit. Analogy to Brain Age included.

Background: As a hardcore science researcher, I used to constantly make fun of games like Brain Age, dissing them as something only for people stuck in jobs of repetition and tedium (yes, elitist, I know, apologies). Especially when I see ads with people struggling to do addition and subtractions.

How I got Brain Age: A great friend (currently interviewing for professorship in tier-one universities) recomended it to me. I was surprised, but I respected his opinion and got a copy. I was surprised. With that experience in mind, here's my reasons for getting WiiFit:

1) It will include a diverse collection of training programs/exercises/mini games--there's certainly something there for everyone.

Brain Age analogy: Addition and Subtraction, obviously, is not something I need. However, memorization, is something I have neglected since high school (doing research places emphasis on reasoning and logic, not memorization). Brain Age gave me training in memorization that I have found helpful. I also realized by playing Brain Age that there are many other parts of my brain I have neglected.

Like Brain Age, do not expect to become that much "fitter" or "smarter" from playing these. The point is to get as much as you can out of these games. And remember, these are only games, after all.

2) Motivation

As we have seen in Wii rehab adminstered by doctors, playing a video game takes away a lot of the tedium in rehabilitation. Patients think they're playing a video game, but doctors look at it as rehab.

Brain Age analogy: going back to the memorization example. I would not in the right mind try to memorize something for no reason. But when trying to get a better score, or try to beat my wife's score, it's motivation to succeed.

3) Fun

In all likelihood, WiiFit will be fun.

Brain Age analogy: Like many current WiiFit critics, I dissed Brain Age in the beginning. I didn't think I am the target audience for Brain Age, thinking that I do not come anywhere close to needing it. What drove me to getting it was that it was fun.

And yes, indeed it was fun. And it allowed me to realize point 1 and point 2 above.

The me who criticized Brain Age also neglected Point 1 and Point 2. If the me a year ago was debating with the me today, the me today would certainty win the argument.  For WiiFit critics, point 3 can definitely stand.  Point 2 may be on shaky ground, but Point 1 is always valid.




the Wii is an epidemic.

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4) Its something new.

A lot of people bought the Wii because it offered something new and different - Wii Fit does the same thing.

Nice read Lyngyis.

I see the anti wiifit uproar to be a telling sign of some people's immaturity and elitism (and videogame elitism is the ultimate sign of immaturity)

I see something that's fun, can be enjoyed by everyone and gives you exercise. How could that possibly be something to get angry over?

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

1) I want it.
2) My gf wants it.

It's a done deal. I'll most likely end up with 2.

stof said:
(and videogame elitism is the ultimate sign of immaturity)

Wrong. You are thinking of closemindedness(wtf!?). I'm 100% elitist, and I can't wait for the Fit.

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Stillwell said:
1) I want it.
2) My gf wants it.

It's a done deal. I'll most likely end up with 2.

 I'm with you if my GF wants it then i buy it anygame i can get her that brings her deeper into the world of gaming i will support.

stof said:
Nice read Lyngyis.

 i think i have yet to see anybody spell my name right yet

the Wii is an epidemic.

Like I said, as long this stuff doesn't become commonplace on every console, go for it.

I think when this stuff becomes commonplace, that means it's widely accepted and quality becomes a more important factor. and a priori, i'd go with nintendo when it comes to quality.

the Wii is an epidemic.

If it turns out to be as good as some people think, not only will it be a fun product, but the balance board may open up some serious possibilities for 3rd party developers.