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Forums - General Discussion - What do you think the results for the GOP in Nov will be?

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Since McCain is somewhat liberal for a conservative i think he has a better chance at winning if he is facing Obama rather than Hillary. As to who will win in the end well that is extremely unknown. As to my own choice, if it is Obame vs. McCain i'm voting for McCain Obama is to much of a socialist. If it is Hillary vs. McCain well then i will have to think about it.

I think it will be Obama vs McCain, and Obama will win because Ron Paul will come back as an independent and take 5-7% of the vote. He will be the biggest third party candidate since Ross Perot, imo.

However, if Ron Paul doesn't come back as a third party candidate (independent, libertarian, w/e), then it will be a close fight.

If Hillary takes the Democratic nomination (which I don't think she will), then McCain will win fairly easily, imo.

Whatever happens, I just know the one FreeMan will be our savior. Where did you go, Gordon?

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

Well if McCain is going to be the GOP represenative, then I don't care who is the Democrat. As long as McCain doesn't become president I'll be happy.

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Obama can beat McCain with independents. Clinton has performed terribly among that group so far.

McCain has basically won already

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Anyone but Hillary. It's a cliche but its so true for me. As for Obama and McCain... well Obama just seems like a honest guy, but I don't agree with his plan to socialize medicine. Well, I would be happy with either him or McCain really, they are both pretty moderate IMO.

I am a Republican mainly because of my Religous views. I used to like McCain but now he trying to get conservatives on his bandwagon and he totally changed his stances in some of the areas in which I supported his Ideals. Right now I don't Like any of the Canidates for either party because of their stance on the war or their stance on immigration.

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