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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Shin'en: If you can't make great looking games on Wii U, it's not the hardware's fault

osed125 said:

I'm starting to notice a pattern here. 

Every time there's a Shin'en thread the post count always goes incredible high.

Further analysis is require.

Yeah I noticed this thread got alot of posts really fast so I got a bit suspicious of why... then it hit me, it must be "him"... and... I was right it was "him" yet again.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

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snowdog said:
I do find it amusing that so many people are referencing the Digital Foundry article. It's complete nonsense.
no kidding.

FrancisNobleman said:
fatslob-:O said:

It's based on the fact that chipworks took a die shot and digital foundry did an analysis on it.

The similarities to the AMD RV770 basically means it has 16 TMU's compared to the PS3's 24 TMU's. 

Like I said these small caches are fine if you attempt tiled rendering(software wise ofcourse).

The similarities between ps3 and a george foreman griller basically means it is not a console at all.




Next time make claims on facts. Only wii u devs under nda's know how many tmus it has, you surelly are not included in that category.

Surely you need to go look at digital foundry's analysis and calm your horses down down buddy, no need to flamebait me, and FYI I'm a PC gamer.

fatslob-:O said:
FrancisNobleman said:
fatslob-:O said:

It's based on the fact that chipworks took a die shot and digital foundry did an analysis on it.

The similarities to the AMD RV770 basically means it has 16 TMU's compared to the PS3's 24 TMU's. 

Like I said these small caches are fine if you attempt tiled rendering(software wise ofcourse).

The similarities between ps3 and a george foreman griller basically means it is not a console at all.




Next time make claims on facts. Only wii u devs under nda's know how many tmus it has, you surelly are not included in that category.

Surely you need to go look at digital foundry's analysis and calm your horses down down buddy, no need to flamebait me, and FYI I'm a PC gamer.

you mean the guys who came to the conclusion that they know everything about the WiiU's GPU, all the while saying that they don't know much about the WiiU's GPU?

ninjablade said:
snowdog said:
I do find it amusing that so many people are referencing the Digital Foundry article. It's complete nonsense.

lol the best part is the DF article makes the wiiu have double the amount of shaders when in reality the wiiu is most likely a 160sp gpu.

It's only likely to be 160 if you completely ignore the fact that the ALUs are 90% larger than they need to be to make that true. It's actually more likely to be an 'odd' number between 160 and 320, and closer to the upper value. I'd say that 300 or so is more likely than 160 personally.

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Zero999 said:
ninjablade said:
Zero999 said:
ninjablade said:
JoeTheBro said:

At this point it's still something very possible on ps360. That's what I'm saying.

The fact that GTA5 looks better in every department then X, from models, lighting, textures, animation and AA, you would think people would stop bringing up X but they still do, i swear if bayo2, mario kart 8 and X were were on 360/ps3 nobody would call them the best looking games on those consoles.

wrong on every statement but keep trying.

whats your proof that i'm wrong, for a game to be called the best looking game on xbox 360 or ps3, they need to look amazing all around, AA, models, high detail, solid frame rate, good lighting, thats how it always been when it was 360 vs ps3, now with games on wiiu its about scope or something , something, when you post direct feed pics of bayo 2 or mario kart 8, you can see the flaws every where.

gta is free to be called top of ps360 graphics, but it doesn't look better than X in any department.

the only "flaws" in pics of bayo 2 are stuff that apear too quickly on screen, wich means there's no reason to detail it. the enemies/characters/ scenario that don't move too fast are really detailed.

i'm only comparing trailers but this is way more impressive then the X trailer, way more detail, way better faces, lighting is dyanmic, while it looks none existent in the X trailer, image quality looks much better as well.

snowdog said:
ninjablade said:
snowdog said:
I do find it amusing that so many people are referencing the Digital Foundry article. It's complete nonsense.

lol the best part is the DF article makes the wiiu have double the amount of shaders when in reality the wiiu is most likely a 160sp gpu.

It's only likely to be 160 if you completely ignore the fact that the ALUs are 90% larger than they need to be to make that true. It's actually more likely to be an 'odd' number between 160 and 320, and closer to the upper value. I'd say that 300 or so is more likely than 160 personally.

i just dont see how developers would say its only slightly faster or on par if it was 300 sp, all signs point tio it being a 160sp modern gpu, mening it slighlty better then the 360 gpu, cause if it was a modern 320 sp gpu it would blow 360/ps3 out of the water, pluse you have extra ram, there is just now way there would be that many inferior ports if it was  320sp all imo of course.

cheesecake said:
fatslob-:O said:
FrancisNobleman said:
fatslob-:O said:

It's based on the fact that chipworks took a die shot and digital foundry did an analysis on it.

The similarities to the AMD RV770 basically means it has 16 TMU's compared to the PS3's 24 TMU's. 

Like I said these small caches are fine if you attempt tiled rendering(software wise ofcourse).

The similarities between ps3 and a george foreman griller basically means it is not a console at all.




Next time make claims on facts. Only wii u devs under nda's know how many tmus it has, you surelly are not included in that category.

Surely you need to go look at digital foundry's analysis and calm your horses down down buddy, no need to flamebait me, and FYI I'm a PC gamer.

you mean the guys who came to the conclusion that they know everything about the WiiU's GPU, all the while saying that they don't know much about the WiiU's GPU?

I know the analysis is not perfect but you can't completely discount it.

fatslob-:O said:
cheesecake said:
fatslob-:O said:
FrancisNobleman said:
fatslob-:O said:

It's based on the fact that chipworks took a die shot and digital foundry did an analysis on it.

The similarities to the AMD RV770 basically means it has 16 TMU's compared to the PS3's 24 TMU's. 

Like I said these small caches are fine if you attempt tiled rendering(software wise ofcourse).

The similarities between ps3 and a george foreman griller basically means it is not a console at all.




Next time make claims on facts. Only wii u devs under nda's know how many tmus it has, you surelly are not included in that category.

Surely you need to go look at digital foundry's analysis and calm your horses down down buddy, no need to flamebait me, and FYI I'm a PC gamer.

you mean the guys who came to the conclusion that they know everything about the WiiU's GPU, all the while saying that they don't know much about the WiiU's GPU?

I know the analysis is not perfect but you can't completely discount it.

the analysis was crap.

fatslob-:O said:

Surely you need to go look at digital foundry's analysis and calm your horses down down buddy, no need to flamebait me, and FYI I'm a PC gamer.

That digital foundry article is seriously a load of wank