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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who thinks Resident Evil 4 is scary

I dont but some stuff does suprise me Ill admit it

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it is a little

Well when I used to go in the building in the village and the guy would rev up the chainsaw, I'd alwasy run to the building across it. Sometimes I'd have problems cutting the lock on the other door inside the building and I'd start to hear the chainsaw behind me and that'd freak me out haha.

Never got scared. Surprised a lot though.

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I think it's scary... When you have to face "It" in hard, it was scary...

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the chainsaw guys were pretty freaky. also, those blind things with the freddy krouger fingernails.

@Zucas: lol you can just kick the lock twice--much faster than knife or shooting.

The only time I got scared was the first time I was playing and Mr. Chainsaw got me from behing--I was looking out for him, too, but I didn't hear him break in downstairs.

Actually, that's a lie--I also jumped on the military base when the flaming guy jumps out of the fridge at you--the only time they really even tried to scare you.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

Not really scary in the suspense regard but in the horror sense, possibly.  Often, I get scared when I'm trying to run from the mob of zombies in mercenaries or from the bigger enemies like the chainsaw guy, the blind guy, or turning around to see the machine gun dude.  It is just an intense game.  The dark cell like areas almost seem suspenseful but they don't use that enough in the game.

no games are scarey, exept games when you need to get to a save point when your about to die

Most of the game was all right, but there were a few moments that scared me.

1) when you are headed back into the church in chapter 2 and reach the parasite dogs
2) the hedge maze
3) the room in the castle with the invisble bugs
4) regenerators

There were also many moments that were intense and got the heart beating.