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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Pictures From TGS “Microsoft Press Round Table” (Console, UI, Box, Controller, etc)

MS did a "Press Round Table" with japanese reporters today... see the picture below.

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Deyon said:

No new info... the event was to say “Sorry, but we aren’t telling you to the Xbox One’s Japanese release date just yet, but hey, have some more 360 for now!”

The pictures are good at least... Xbone UI and all.

More... 360.

I know it doesn't matter, but the box is so ugly in that green. The Day One box is so much nicer!

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I like the green box but I'm glad I'm getting the day one box.

At least they showed up.

Am I the only one who sees these consoles being displayed and thinks, "WTF did you guys have these things packed in before you showed them off? A ton of fuzz that you tried to quickly clean off by blow-drying but ran out of time??".

does the pad actually has 2 IR lights ??? could it mean a potential tilt tracking possibility with the pad ???
that would be awesome in games like tomb raider when you need to keep balance crossing on a ledge or something.... nothing fancy just little things here and there that makes it that much better that would be great

this obviously made headlines in japan :P