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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Angry readers want Gamespot reviewer fired after her GTA V review

Salnax said:
cmeese47 said:
damn feminists trying to ruin the world


What I saw from the comments that most of them attacked her because of these two points.

"GTA V has little room for women except to portray them as strippers, prostitutes, long-suffering wives, humorless girlfriends and goofy, new-age feminists we’re meant to laugh at."

"Politically muddled and profoundly misogynistic."

Everyone knows how GTA potrays women or men. GTA games are parody of real life. And mocks the injustice of real life. Either she is new to GTA (Which I think is not) or she have some personal agendas against GTA.

Most of the comments were pointing towards these two issues. But it soon it turned to her sexuality. Yes. This is wrong. Attacking someone because of their gender is disgusting. But she also mixed her personal opinions with the review. Which I think is not right.

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daredevil.shark said:

Most of the comments were pointing towards these two issues. But it soon it turned to her sexuality. Yes. This is wrong. Attacking someone because of their gender is disgusting. But she also mixed her personal opinions with the review. Which I think is not right.

Oh my god, personal opinions in a review? My god, the audacity. A Personal opinion, it hurts so much.

Seriously, you think girls aren't reading this review? Maybe they should be made aware of things like that. Yet what part of it is really personaly opinion? How she described how the women are portrayed? Surely, this is just stating facts. Personal opinion would have been worded 'I hate Rockstar for making women seem inferior in this game.'

Hmm, pie.

While all these fanboys crying is ridiculous and while 90 is a great score, the reviewer's argument for not giving it something higher is stupid.

She didn't complain about the gameplay or graphics or something else. She complained about the game picturing the life of gangsters who have little to no respect for women. For a game like GTA V to have characters who respect women would be contradictory, not to mention that I suspect the way the game depicts women is probably a way for the game itself to criticize society.

Probably, given her situation about her gender or whatever (it that's even true), she's a biased feminist and probably a close minded one, and probably missed the whole point of the game. When I watch a review I expect an unbiased opinion. So yeah, just my two cents.

Haha.. It just makes me laugh that gamers are so up in arms about stuff like this.. All you are doing is giving these reviews MORE POWER. If you disagree so strongly, just laugh it off, or ignore it. All you're doing with you're backlash and hatred is showing these people DESERVE all the publicity they get. Which is obviously not true.. Just remember, they play games and whine about them for a living. I'm a Nintendo fan and I didn't even really care about the Jertsmen Zelda review.

Something else to put on the table: It's free speech. She has a right to her opinion on the game, as long as it's backed up.

I don't quite get where this love orgy of the GTA series comes from anyway.. Yes it's a great franchise and a blast to play, but it's certainly not the best ever. 9.0 sounds about right actually. GTA 2 and 3 were mindblowing to me, and 4 was solid.. But after about 40 hours into 4 I beat the game and got bored, and sold the game. The game, as fun as it was, was riddled with glitches, and the online sucked for the most part. Judging by pattern of the decline of the series lately (however slight), I would imagine 5 is about the same, if not worse, than 4.

We are talking about the GTA diehards here. A game that celbrates beeing a criminal...

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misterchoc90 said:

While all these fanboys crying is ridiculous and while 90 is a great score, the reviewer's argument for not giving it something higher is stupid.

She didn't complain about the gameplay or graphics or something else. She complained about the game picturing the life of gangsters who have little to no respect for women. For a game like GTA V to have characters who respect women would be contradictory, not to mention that I suspect the way the game depicts women is probably a way for the game itself to criticize society.

Probably, given her situation about her gender or whatever (it that's even true), she's a biased feminist and probably a close minded one, and probably missed the whole point of the game. When I watch a review I expect an unbiased opinion. So yeah, just my two cents.

I hear this a lot about GTA but I suspect it's people giving Rockstar WAYYYY too much credit as they shamelessly cash in on glorifying a criminal lifestyle. If they were that against the lifestyle they portray, it seems a bizarre choice employing ACTUAL criminals to voice their characters.

misterchoc90 said:

When I watch a review I expect an unbiased opinion.

Ain't no such thing.

There are no objective game reviews.  Nobody on the planet can objectively review a game, it's just not possible.  Our tastes and preferences color our opinions and directly affect our enjoyment of a game.  What one person likes, another hates, even if their opinions are usually in agreement.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with pointing out a game's flaws, whether or not you believe they are flaws.  Many people believe a flaw of "Skyrim" is the combat, I do not see it as a flaw.  Many believe FFXII has a great story, but I don't like it.  What does or does not make a good game is entirely up to the person playing it.  And sometimes that person is a reviewer.  And what we get is their opinion, their inescapably biased opinion.

But in the male-dominated sub-culture of gaming, it would appear that feminine-biased opinons are utterly unacceptable.  I find that to be unacceptable.  It's fine to disagree, but this outcry is ridiculous and appalling.

Serious_frusting said:

wow she looks very manly.

If she should die its because of her looks, not her opinion on a game that is probably way overated anyway. I aint played it yet so I cant say for sure. All I know is, I'm not buying this game until I try it. Not after GTA4.

 Thats because shes a transgender. Have a heart, bro.

who ever said this is a total idiot! "Overly hyped murder simulator GTA V"

Purple said:
misterchoc90 said:

While all these fanboys crying is ridiculous and while 90 is a great score, the reviewer's argument for not giving it something higher is stupid.

She didn't complain about the gameplay or graphics or something else. She complained about the game picturing the life of gangsters who have little to no respect for women. For a game like GTA V to have characters who respect women would be contradictory, not to mention that I suspect the way the game depicts women is probably a way for the game itself to criticize society.

Probably, given her situation about her gender or whatever (it that's even true), she's a biased feminist and probably a close minded one, and probably missed the whole point of the game. When I watch a review I expect an unbiased opinion. So yeah, just my two cents.

I hear this a lot about GTA but I suspect it's people giving Rockstar WAYYYY too much credit as they shamelessly cash in on glorifying a criminal lifestyle. If they were that against the lifestyle they portray, it seems a bizarre choice employing ACTUAL criminals to voice their characters.

GTA merely uses characters who come up through crime and reflect on the world around them. It's a political and social satire on the world we live in. Well, at least after GTA 3 it started to do that. It an exaggerated mirror of society, through the eyes of vandals and thieves. Have you ever seen Pain and Gain? Kind of like that. It's meant to be ironic. If you grew up in the 90's Irony was the main focus of most of the shows. They were comedies satiring the world we lived in. The Simpsons, Family guy, South Park...they grew out of a dark reflection of the society we live live because as outrageous as they are there is a great truth.

If you missed out on the concept of what the last GTA was focusing on was the "American Dream" with Niko. This GTA's topic is supposed to be about the current day with the social downfall of America post economical collapse. I can't wait to play it but I have to wait until Friday.