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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why does Sony take so long to come out with exclusive games for PS3?

libellule said:

1/ MS rushed his Xbox360, so Sony decided to go as fast as possible to launch the PS3 but, at this moment, Sony was not rdy to launch the PS3. It is why ALL the PS3 world (Home+games) is late ; they have launched the hardware BEFORE the background (de support/games/home) was ready. They were really hurted by this.

2/ the console seems pretty complicated and games are late or delayed du to this complexity : Haze, MGS4, KZ2

 Haze was probably only delayed cause it was not fun. It had so so previews, and it had got as close to launch as having ads before it was delayed. It must have been more than just a bug

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Gazz said:
disolitude said:

I personally think PS2 is to blame. They have a huge userbase for that system and it is still making them money. They have had their big studios and other companies still making games for PS2 when PS3 came out. (god of war 2, Final Fantasy). Now PS2 support is dying but damage has already been done.

In comparison Microsoft just ditched the xbox and went straight to 360 the day it came out. Nintendo let the gamecube die without shedding a tear. I think PS2 is to blame for PS3's lack of software...


So according to you Sony should drop the PS2, it's huge userbase and profit? What company would let millions of dollars just slide away from them? (yes, MS indeed but they are so rich they really could care less)


Both the Gamecube and Xbox didn't have the userbase or marketshare that the PS2 had anyway. There's no comparison and God of war showed a sceptical market that the PS2 is still alive and kicking.

I'm not saying they should have dropped PS2. I'm just saying why I think we don't have amazing exclusives on ps3 now... PS2 was a great system and I would love to have them support it for a long time as i have it. :)


There are 2 parts to this ...

Historically, Sony platforms have taken a long time to release many of their good games because they have been (for the most part) third party published; and third party publishers dislike releasing their key games to systems that don't have established userbases. On top of this, most first party publishers like to spread out their good titles through out the generation in order to maximize sales and impact.

The second part is the PS3 requires much larger development teams, and much longer development timelines, and (due to the scale of project and technical problems) is far more likely to see delays.

Tell that to Insomniac or Naughty Dog.

PS3 Launch
Gran Turismo 5
God of War 3
Twisted Metal
Rachet and Clank
Jak & Daxter
Tekken 6
Killzone 2

If these games were all launch games. Sales would have been better. However it's better to spread these games. Otherwise the PS3 can't build up momentum. It takes time to make sequels of these launch games. This will mean that after the launch there aren't games to look forward for. People that didn't jump in at launch won't have a reason to buy a console later on. (Ofcourse there are pricedrops) It will be filled with 3rd Party and unproven franchises. Those games won't have a chance with this launch line up. Zero userbase and heavy competition won't do these games any good either. It's also not so good for gamers. $600 PS3 and 10 must haves = $1200 8)

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Games don't just grow on trees. You actually have to develop them, and that takes time.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

The more powerful the system the longer it takes to develop for. This in addition to the PS3's architecture being radically different from what programmers are used to. Give them time to figure out the system and things will move along a bit more smoothly.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

Sure Sony has been slow to abandon the ps2, but you can't say that they've haven't been supporting the ps3.

Since launch Sony has developed and/or published these games:

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Resistance: Fall of Man
Ratchet & Clank Future
F1 Championship Racing
Heavenly Sword
NBA '07
NBA '08
Hot Shots Golf 5
...and others.

Seven of those are first party, with the remaining five being second party. And Sony recently acquired Evolution Studios, so I guess MotorStorm would be first party now as well.

1st/2nd party games they have lined up for this year:

White Knight Story
Resistance 2
Heavy Rain
Killzone 2
Gran Turismo 5: Prologue
Socom: Confrontation
The Getaway 3
...and others I can't remember.

And God of War 3 wasn't really announced. Some higher ups let slip that it was in development, which was quite unsurprising, but that's it. It's no different then Nintendo saying that the next Zelda is in the works, or Microsoft mentioning Halo: Chronicles.

Patience is virtue. I'm not concerned about the delays because I plan on buying a PS3 once the 80 gb price drops. But I'm pretty sure it is annoying to a PS3 owner that every anticipated game gets delayed another half century.

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All of you make valid points. There is nothing Sony could have done about it as PS2 was their bread and butter and abandoning it in 2006 would have cost them way more than lack of ps3 games cost them in 2007.

makingmusic476 - reading the list of games listed made me realize that Sony did not really neglect PS3 games after launch... rather developers made really poor choices in games they decided to bring out. There aren't many games on that list I'd want to buy even if I had the system to begin with let alone purchase a new one for 500 dollars.