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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox One has been “Beta Tested in the Future” ad states

Figgycal said:
thismeintiel said:

I know what they are trying to say, but Lord does it come across poorly. Seems more they're saying they'll get around to Beta testing it sometime in the future. I'm sure your average customer would take it that way, too. And I definitely wouldn't be saying this with RROD very familiar in gamer's minds. Probably won't be too long before this ad is removed, or at least worded better.

The average customer isn't stupid; they'll get it. It's just a dumb way to say "This shit is the future".

I doubt that.  And it's not because they are stupid, but because there are different ways of interpreting the ad, as the article shows.  A better slogan would have been "Designed And Tested In The Future, But Here For You Today."  I bet this will be changed "in the future," as it wasn't beta tested well in the present. 

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Really cool ad actually :) Brilliant.

It could have been phrased better lol

Phased plasma rifle in a 40 watt range.

I LOVE paying for Xbox Live! I also love that my love for it pisses off so many people.

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The only people who are complaining about this ad are people who are over thinking it. Do you guys walk down the street or look over when you are driving(the likely people who see this ad) and analyze the hundred different implications of every ad? Of course not. The obvious meaning is that it is a joke. The they tested it in the future and people liked it, so they brought it back to now for us to use. Now for the VGchartz dwellers, the haters will automatically dismiss it, and the supporters will like it. To the average person it is really just a picture advertisement.

makes sense to me. xbone looks like it's still in pre-alpha right now.

Max King of the Wild said:
Tested is past tense... future is future time yet to happen... makes no sense and is stupid

It's probably just a typo. Probably meant to say :

"Beta test it in the future"

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So does that mean it really does have DDR4 RAM from 2014 PCs?

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Nan its a Layer demand, that way they can't be sued for there product.

Its like saying I will give you 100 bucks tomorrow, tomorrow never come because we are always today ... seee ...

Clever Microsoft.