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Forums - Sales Discussion - Wii sales in Japan last week

......sigh........Ninty needs to get better estimators or they already have good ones but cut whatever # they say in half. Nintendo - for once Overship something!!!

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They did.....SMG, and that didn't sell so well in Japan.

^I'm still wondering why Japan doesn't like the 2nd highest rated game of all time....

Avinash_Tyagi said:
dsoverpsp said:
yah and everyone is feeling it...
they're doing this on pupose too...

Maybe...its a Trap!! kind of forgot the text on the picture. It's just the star wars wierd dude. No witty "it's a trap". 


Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

I have no clue either man......It's fantastic.

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Nintendo ha got to start believing in the Wii and stop undershipping their games.

^I agree - they prob still think the wii is almost gonna be a complete failure next month so as a result, they will not increase the production per month

Do you guys think that they still have that disc manufacturing problem? I remember hearing something about that back in December, but I haven't heard anything about it since.

^prob not and if it was so, certainly fixed by now

btw: 1100th POST!!! YAYAYAY!!!WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!Horahhhh!!!
Three cheers of WiiForever:

I feel its likely Nintendo did stockpile about 80,000 Wii's for SSB:B, and plan to release an extra 20,000 units a week for the next 3 weeks, and this week.

The Wii's numbers were up, but there is no way with how many in Europe and Americas were sold, that they could have stockpiled much more than 80k.

Releasing an extra 20k a week in Japan up until the NA launch of Brawl would raise the Wii sales about 20k a week(like what happened this week) in japan, and make Brawl as close to a system seller as it can get in this time of supply constrainment.

Just a theory.

Also, it could be that the extra 20k sold in Japan this week, was the "stockpile" or that Nintendo didn't stockpile.

Either way, I have little doubt that Wii's are soldout in Japan, from the reports I'm hearing from various japanese forum posters this week. :P

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