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xbebop said:

Virgin. Couldn't get a decent girl to stroke my dick if my life depended on it. In fact, at the moment I don't want to...women are nothing but trouble for me.

Try men.

mrstickball said:
highwaystar101 said:
mrstickball said:
Yes. I am unsure if I've ever posted on this thread.

I've been with my fiancee for 6 years, 1 month and 2 weeks and am still abstinent. I thoroughly believe its led to a much stronger relationship and suggest that everyone stay abstinent to strengthen their relationship.

Of course, if your married, screw as much as you can with your spouse :-p

If it's not a personal question, there's something I've often wandered about abstinence. Can you do *shifts eyes away*, y'know, other stuff?

Thats really up to the couple, I guess. In our situation some....Things....Go on that aren't sex. Of course, we try to avoid it as much as possible, as it does make staying abstinence more difficult.


& I'm proud



how can you resist?

I could cite a few things:

  • God. Having a moral basis for staying abstinent helps. Also, having a focus on that set of morals helps avoid lust and other things that make resisting much easier.
  • The actual relationship. I know a lot of people argue that sex brings people closer together, and I am sure it does if your wholly committed (ie married), however, I think that being abstinent makes a relationship much, much stronger. When your not focusing on the physical aspects, then you are focusing on the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the relationship. If your not learning about being good in bed, then you are (or at least should be) learning about how to handle having a strong relationship with that person. The thing is, my relationship with my fiancee is so strong that I don't need sex to define the relationship - she is my best friend so there is far more to what we do as a couple than to make sex a priority.
  • The fear of pregnancy always helps :-p


wow it sounds like you two have a great relationship, you sound like soul mates

Whenever I get a wife I hope I'm as close to her as you are to your girlfriend before getting married.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

yeah,i am 15 but havnt hd ny chances yet

"They will know heghan belongs to the helghast"

"England expects that everyman will do his duty"

"we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender"


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darthdevidem01 said:

wow it sounds like you two have a great relationship, you sound like soul mates

Whenever I get a wife I hope I'm as close to her as you are to your girlfriend before getting married.

Yes, we do have a great relationship. However, great relationships don't happen naturally: you have to learn how to become a great boyfriend/girlfriend, and it takes time.

The best way I can explain it is this:

Many people spend years in school preparing for a career that will last maybe 30 years, while spending a few months or a year at best preparing for a marriage that (should) last twice as long. Do you think that such a long term investment should be prepared for? Any person can have the perfect husband/wife if they decide that the relationship comes first, and is willing to dedicate the time needed to prepare for living together for a very long time. No relationship is perfect, but if you can spend a lot of time focused on making the relationship better, before moving in together/getting married, then when you do finally make that plunge, you can do it with someone that is far nicer and more suited to spend the next 60 years with you. When you take that plunge of getting married, you may become occupied with life and forget that you can improve your relationship still.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Yes I am, not for a lack of trying mind you. I was a WoW addict in High School so that didn't help. So for now I am the man with the hand.

PSN ID: KingFate_

tedsteriscool said:
xbebop said:

Virgin. Couldn't get a decent girl to stroke my dick if my life depended on it. In fact, at the moment I don't want to...women are nothing but trouble for me.

Try men.

I trust men even less than women when it comes to relationships. =P

What exactly do you define as decent?

PSN ID: KingFate_

KingFate said:
What exactly do you define as decent?

A girl that fits my standards. Disregarding the joke in my earlier post, I'm not looking for a girl just to fuck with. I want a girl who's kind, a bit hard to get, reasonably intelligent, and around the same body type and "level" of looks that I am. Note that I'm a slightly underweight 5'11 male that is described as "cute" every now and then. lol