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nanana man trimming is the way to go, i get scared when i shave, i tried shaving last year man it was itchy no hell.

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MontanaHatchet said:
DMeisterJ said:
Good thing that Montana hasn't locked this thread, again.

Guess few people like to read, huh?

You're a good friend of mine DMeisterJ, don't be one of the few difficult people.

Oh god Monti, I was joking

Trimming ftw...I don't want to accidentally cut open my freakin balls, plus having some hair down there looks nice.

I tread it just like I do the hair on my head (I don't shave my head). I probably don't style it as much though...maybe I should get into that. Not styling with products or anything, but just the cut itself and all.

They show their junk at girls in the streets. It works.

DMeisterJ said:
Good thing that Montana hasn't locked this thread, again.

It's 14 pages long. Heads would role if this thread were included in the sex thread genocide. Montana knows how far to hold the carrot out in front of us.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Around the Network
TalonMan said:
fazz said:
They show their junk at girls in the streets. It works.

Oh man, I've been married and off the dating scene for too long - I wonder if my wife would get pissed if, the next time we're at the grocery store, I decide to whip it out for public comment...     :(


If you do it in the produce aisle, nobody may notice.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

TalonMan said:
Onyxmeth said:
TalonMan said:
fazz said:
They show their junk at girls in the streets. It works.

Oh man, I've been married and off the dating scene for too long - I wonder if my wife would get pissed if, the next time we're at the grocery store, I decide to whip it out for public comment...     :(


If you do it in the produce aisle, nobody may notice.



Why - are there a lot of exposed penis' in the produce aisle of your grocery store??? That must be VERY weird and a tad unsettling, no???


Rather unsettling, yes. They all have the foreskin on still too. Sometimes I scream from the night terrors those images have given me.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

I just hate pubic hair. It is my personal quest to destroy it. I hate it on myself and on my dames. Slowly but surely, any woman will eventually start shaving after they see how clean my work is. They get jealous when I'm cleaner than them, and they play catchup after a few weeks.

And when they stop shaving later on? That's when you can tell they stopped loving you, or they're cheating on you with somebody who prefers bush. It's the best warning system. Then you break their neck.

I am almost done with Dmeister's diary and i have learned that he plans on being a virgin until the PS3 win this Gen.

let's hope it happens soon.


And what's the " B"  plan you mention on page 3,456, I dont think starcraft can go that far?

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
psrock said:

I am almost done with Dmeister's diary and i have learned that he plans on being a virgin until the PS3 win this Gen.

let's hope it happens soon.


And what's the " B"  plan you mention on page 3,456, I dont think starcraft can go that far?



So true.