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ctk495 said:
I hope no one here watches porn.

"I still believe in a little place called...Hope."




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MontanaHatchet said:
ctk495 said:
I hope no one here watches porn.

"I still believe in a little place called...Hope."


Lol thank god that unlike kids like soriku that do this kind of stuff there are some angels and pure souls like Leo j who don't- I remenber reading somewhere that leo j asked "How does sex feels"


ctk495 said:
I hope no one here watches porn.

Like this?



Dallinor said:
ctk495 said:
I hope no one here watches porn.

Like this?


Lol I can't believe I fall into that ;p


weezy said:


"F" stands for..
Funking Pimp

Here's a tip for you virgins out there.

The ladies dont want a dude who sits there and plays computer games for like 8 hours a day, let alone some dude who has a shitty, SHITTY ass job and is broke like a joke(because you spend whatever income you have on mountain dew, upgrading your computer, and Taco Bell/McDonalds). Buy yourself some fucking noxema, clean up your pimply face, and get your self some new shoes and clothes.

Seriously, any cute girl would laugh in your face!(if it already hasn't happen to you..many, many times)

Yo, get some soap and clean up your B.O. The ladies dont want to kick it with some stinky ass nerd goblin who hasnt seen the sun for days!

Oh yeah, another thing that would help, and this is crucial, If your pastey and flabby, get out in the sun, get a tan, and hit the gym! Seriously, take 30 minutes out from your busy day in your moms basement playing FPS on your computer, and do some push ups and sit ups!!!!!(white isnt a bad color, I love me white girls, just thought I should add that) :)

Try interacting with people face to face. Some people who are on this site act like they havnt ever been to a party or have friends who arent straight-up gamers. C'mon you can do it. Dont be scared.

Learn to be sociable. (My god, being social will do you wonders.) 

Don't be bitter! No one wants to kick it with some asshole who just sucks and is lame.

One more thing. if you live with your parents and your 19+, get out your mommas house, dorkboy. All the girls in the world are laughing at you and think your a clown ass sucker!

Ok virgins(you know who you are), hear me out, you will remember the day you first seen a vagina(not on the interweb) and you will think, god damn, This weezy guy just seriously almost got me laid!!!!(Almost. Because you would obviously screw it up at the very end).

Don't listen to anyone else this is the only info you will ever need, you goblins.


I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



Around the Network
psrock said:
If you can make a girl laugh, you're half way to getting her.


that must be why i aint a virgin then lol

psrock said:
my sister takes 45 min to hour long showers, my thing is nothing.

i have 3 showers a day also, well sometimes but not all the time, depends how hot the day is and what i ahev been doing, pluss each time i am in the shower i will take like 1 hour easy, depends if i got anything else to do or am in a rush


I'm only allowed one shower a day, any more than that and I'd get $400 fine at the end of the month.

That's okay though, I've got my woman hook, line and sinker. No need to stress about personal hygene, I can just let myself go now :)

I am most definitely not a virgin, as I am married and my wife is pregnant. I was a virgin until our wedding night, though, and that was the best decision I ever made. Sex is WAAAAY more special when it's been saved for that special someone (that's my view from talking to friends who didn't wait, but wish they had).

And don't give me the 'but the sex must suck if you hadn't practiced' line. There's plenty of (interesting) educational material out there. Let's just say I had some very nice surprises up my sleeve for being a virgin when I got married.

I'm a virgin....not bad I hope

hmm...I would have loved to loose it a year ago..but yeah...if it happens
if not..XDDD like someone else said before me:

if I hit 19 and still haven't had sex, I'll go to the prostitutes or hit up a total slut