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That isn't super quick.

3 Showers can not possibly be healthy.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

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psrock said:
Morning : 6:30 am 15 min shower for work

afternoon 5: 30 pm : 10 min shower after work

night 11 pm : 20 min shower to go to sleep.

Waste of wate confirmed!!11!!

I shower twice a day.  But they're only ten minutes.  I like waking up to burning hot water in my face, especially in the winter.  It's the only way to wake up.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Just make sure to really clean your wang after you urinate. You filthy Americans with your shake move disgust me. You need to clean that shit with water. Babywipes are good for the butt, but rinse the wang. Or you can use some dry toilet paper on your ass, then wet TP, then dry TP again. But anyway, your stream of urine is not a lazer. It will spray. Some will be left on your penis. If you ever dream of having somebody close to that thing, it better be spic and span.

Also, I recommend shaving the goods. When your crotch is cleaner than her crotch, they go crazy. They don't know what to believe in anymore.

psrock, do you really shower 3 times a day? I keep my crotch and ass cleaner than anybody I've discussed this with... but if I've already taken one shower, I only take a second one after exercise or sexercise for a quick rinse. Never 3.

I like to manscape, but I only do it like once every three months.  It's too much of a task to make it look all nice and pretty.

my sister takes 45 min to hour long showers, my thing is nothing.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
Soriku said:
weezy said:
wfz said:
dtewi said:
Ah I don't care.

I know a lot about sex.

More than a 12 year old should.


Now that's an interesting statement. How much should a 12 year old know?

dude ,dont they teach sex ed in the 5th grade?


"Insert the erected penis into the vagina.."


I remember I was busting up laughing when I heard that in class. My teacher made me sit out in the hall.





They never told us that. For me they just told as about both of them but never said "insert" or anything. Heck, they haven't told us that in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade. I'm going to high school also. I know about that, but they never told us.


Actually, I do it every day....

Whoops? :)

My poor brain nooooooo,and I though that I was wrong by masturbating I was even thinking about quitting.


Around the Network

Hahaha, props to using the word manscaping. I haven't heard that in forever.

The thing about manscaping is... nobody sees how well you're groomed until they've already decided to take your pants off. Manscaping isn't what gets them into your pants, but it's part of what makes them want to come back.

I used to manscape 2-3 times a week, but now I have a bathtub instead of a shower and I'm married and have no prostitutes to impress, so I'm down to manscaping 1-2 times a fortnight.

dtewi said:
My god, I always hate it when you post Montana.

I always check the post toolbar to make sure the thread didn't get locked.

Uhh...what the fuck?

I've been posting in this thread for a while, and you're a dunce.




It is because when a mod sometimes post in these kinds of threads they have incentive to lock it.

Actually, you did lock this thread once. The only mod I hate when posting is you because you like to lock threads.

I don't know. Stop posting!

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

I like to lock threads because the majority of the members on this site are too stupid to know the difference between right and wrong. In fact, the reason I locked this thread was because that was before Off Topic was separated and this was on the front page with the circumcision thread and the one about OkeyDokey wearing panties.

If I've been posting in this thread for a while and haven't locked it, why would I now?



psrock said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Just make sure to really clean your wang after you urinate. You filthy Americans with your shake move disgust me. You need to clean that shit with water. Babywipes are good for the butt, but rinse the wang. Or you can use some dry toilet paper on your ass, then wet TP, then dry TP again. But anyway, your stream of urine is not a lazer. It will spray. Some will be left on your penis. If you ever dream of having somebody close to that thing, it better be spic and span.

Also, I recommend shaving the goods. When your crotch is cleaner than her crotch, they go crazy. They don't know what to believe in anymore.

psrock, do you really shower 3 times a day? I keep my crotch and ass cleaner than anybody I've discussed this with... but if I've already taken one shower, I only take a second one after exercise or sexercise for a quick rinse. Never 3.


I do, my mother got me like that, their are from the Caribeans.

 if you are trying to say they are like that because they are from the Caribbean  you are very very very wrong my friend lol,  Anyway funny you talk about manscaping now i was just doing that earlier but like dmj i only do it once a month because well im lazy  and well i only have one partner  so i gots noone to impress