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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ken Kutaragi honored a DICE

It's like that time they cheated me out of salutatorian and gave me the principle's award instead.

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ssj12 said:
Parokki said:
Even thought I feel the last few years have been an uninterrupted series of horrible blunders for him, his career as a whole has really moved the industry forward. He deserves recognition for his work.

not really he is a brilliant engineer and the Emotion Engine, Graphics Synthesizer, and the CELL definitely shows that.

The Emotion Engine was just a chip amongst others. The reason people even remember the name is that Sony hyped the shit out of it.

The jury's still out on wether CELL is a good chip for gaming or not (so far definitely not, but too early to tell for sure), and the mistakes made with the PS3 are already pretty much legendary. Good engineering isn't just about putting the maximum amount of stuff in a box and selling it, it's about designing a product with as much stuff as you can at a price people will still buy it.

We might be talking about slightly different things here, and he obviously wasn't the only one bad decisions at Sony, but you can't just look at his successes and absolve him of all responsibility for the PS3's disasterous first year.

Good for him, he is a monolith in the industry, not one foot smaller than Bill Gates imo. They may both be disliked by many, but one can't belittle their contribution to the electronics scene.