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Forums - General Discussion - 10-year-old holds 6 year old at (airsoft) gunpoint for Pokemon cards

^ really, I never owned pokemon cards

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I'd rape that 10 year old, if I saw him do that. I can take one for the team.

Holy crap. My little brother (who was the same age as the kid in this article) took a lighter to school (supposedly on accident), did nothing harmful with it, and got ten-days suspension with 1 day expulsion, recommended for longer.

This kid freaking threatens to shoot another kid if he doesn't acquiesce... and he's in the same boat?

Everything is wrong in the world.


The boy knows what he wants and goes for it. Shouldn't we commend that? lol

mmnin said:
The boy knows what he wants and goes for it. Shouldn't we commend that? lol

We should. Commendation by Rape!