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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - [UPDATE] Xbox One Could Possibly Feature a Powerful Discrete GPU + APU rumor - New Sources and Info!

dsgrue3 said:
nightsurge said:
No one posting in here is an Xbox One hardware expert. Much less an expert in PC hardware in general. This rumor to this day still has not been debunked. Some users have pointed out inconsistency in the rumors or some minor flaws, but not debunked it outright.

Here's more fuel to the fire. Major Nelson just posted saying he can't wait for the truth to come out about the PS4s drastically overexaggerated performance advantage.

Also, to this date, all past hardware rumors were debunked by MS themselves via Albert Penello, Major Nelson, or other MS rep. Yet no one from MS has shot down this rumor that there may be more hardware in the Xbox One that they haven't revealed, possibly a dGPU. I've personally contacted Albert Penello about this rumor and he still hasn't replied. When the RAM rumor was around, he shot that down very quickly.

This is, perhaps, the most ridiculous argument I've ever had the misfortunate of reading in my entire life. 

This is akin to saying "You don't know the design of the new Ford engines, so you can't say they aren't made of styrofoam."

It's argumentum ad ignorantium, a fallacy. I'm getting really sick of you people slinging bullshit.

What on earth? You need to relax... I made that statement regarding "hardware experts" because you incorrectly claimed people in this thread were such beings and had debunked the rumor. Neither of which were true. I was merely pointing out that no one on here is an XboxOne hardware insider so they can't possibly make claims regarding it.

Your analogy is completely misguided and a bit off putting. Especially since I was not saying that people on here were wrong to question this rumor. All I stated was a legitimate fact that no one on here has insider knowledge. You seem to have taken that to entirely different (and emotional) level.

While I find it fun to speculate on these things (I noticed you didn't comment on my other rumor speculations), it seems you and others want nothing more than to say it is false without any added speculation yourselves.

This is all in fun! If the rumor is true or false,  who cares! But at least bring some discussion to the table,  not some very cleverly worded personal attacks in order to side-step the rules

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This rumor is utter bull-crap. Xbone SKU is priced at 500 dollars and it already has an over-engineered camera sensor in its bill of materials. If this rumor were true, then Microsoft would be selling at ~150 dollars of loss per unit. I find that extremely hard to believe. On top of that, you would have to account for at least an extra 100 Watts of power consumption from that theoretical discreet GPU, such increased power consumption would reflect on the size of the power brick, which it does not. Not to mention that if they were packing such power in their box, they would make sure that the whole world would know about it.

CGI-Quality said:
nightsurge said:
No one posting in here is an Xbox One hardware expert. Much less an expert in PC hardware in general. This rumor to this day still has not been debunked. Some users have pointed out inconsistency in the rumors or some minor flaws, but not debunked it outright.

Here's more fuel to the fire. Major Nelson just posted saying he can't wait for the truth to come out about the PS4s drastically overexaggerated performance advantage.

Also, to this date, all past hardware rumors were debunked by MS themselves via Albert Penello, Major Nelson, or other MS rep. Yet no one from MS has shot down this rumor that there may be more hardware in the Xbox One that they haven't revealed, possibly a dGPU. I've personally contacted Albert Penello about this rumor and he still hasn't replied. When the RAM rumor was around, he shot that down very quickly.

I'd be willing to bet my PC expertise against this post, but then, it wouldn't be very relevant.

Anyway, for the X1, if you believe in it, believe in it, but each defensive post isn't going to sway anyone (and using Major Nelson as a source, someone who denied all of the 180 chatter, may not be the most ideal). Like the people you're bugged by, you should wait for full confirmation, but right now, I, personally, have no reason to give this rumor any validity, just like any other, no matter how likely (or unlikely) it could b

I shoukd not have generalized the PC hardware expert part, as that would exlclude myself as well :p

And I'm not really bugged, just like having a fun and speculative discussion.

Always a fan of you, cgi. Even if I did try to "call you out" on that one thread. That was spurred by other users, though. I had no real reason to doubt you.

nightsurge said:
dsgrue3 said:

This is, perhaps, the most ridiculous argument I've ever had the misfortunate of reading in my entire life. 

This is akin to saying "You don't know the design of the new Ford engines, so you can't say they aren't made of styrofoam."

It's argumentum ad ignorantium, a fallacy. I'm getting really sick of you people slinging bullshit.

I was merely pointing out that no one on here is an XboxOne hardware insider so they can't possibly make claims regarding it.

Your analogy is completely misguided and a bit off putting. Especially since I was not saying that people on here were wrong to question this rumor. All I stated was a legitimate fact that no one on here has insider knowledge. You seem to have taken that to entirely different (and emotional) level.

And that claim is completely devoid of merit. As I said, in unambiguous terms and will repeat here for you to actually read this time, it is the argumentum ad ignorantium fallacy.

At the very least you could have googled it so you understand what it means. And the analogy perfectly exemplifies it for you, which is why it is "off-putting" to you. Of course it sounds ridiculous, it's a fallacy.

There are pervasive hardware principles which do not require special knowledge. Some things are possible, some are not. 


You don't have to resort to debating semantics to let us know you're acting like a tosser.

We're not talking about sheep flying to the moon or some other impossible event - we're discussing a rumor supported by a number of sources.

However improbable these rumors are - to take the high moral ground, pull out your Latin phrasebook and question peoples intelligence just makes you look a fool.

The title of this thread isn't "attack people discussing a rumor" its a rumor thread and if your sole reason for being here is to attack users, the rumor itself (with no supporting sources) and debate semantics - ad infinitum ( see ! I'm clever too! Woopitywoop!) - That's the dictionary definition trolling - And I suggest, for your own mental health - you find something better to do with your time

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JimmyDanger said:

You don't have to resort to debating semantics to let us know you're acting like a tosser.

We're not talking about sheep flying to the moon or some other impossible event - we're discussing a rumor supported by a number of sources.

However improbable these rumors are - to take the high moral ground, pull out your Latin phrasebook and question peoples intelligence just makes you look a fool.

The title of this thread isn't "attack people discussing a rumor" its a rumor thread and if your sole reason for being here is to attack users, the rumor itself (with no supporting sources) and debate semantics - ad infinitum ( see ! I'm clever too! Woopitywoop!) - That's the dictionary definition trolling - And I suggest, for your own mental health - you find something better to do with your time

If you have something to say to me don't be shy about it. Quote me.

Taking the J_Allard route and being cowardly only confirms you are afraid to approach me in open debate. Can't say I blame you, I wouldn't want to debate me either.

A couple of blog posts isn't exactly a rumor worthy of discussion, unless of course you're grasping for something, anything that would help you justify your rather obvious fealty to a particular platform.

Nice badge, bro.

Quotes don't work on my phone but it was in relation to the post directly above mine.

And no. I don't want a debate with you DsGrue. Maybe when I feel like that I'll go to the debate other users topic. I'm here to discuss valid points about these speculations. I didn't come to the "debate DsGrue thread" - I have no interest in it. And I don't believe many other members do. You're basically attacking them for disagreeing with you and it's rather rude and annoying. That is simply the point I wished to address.

Now good day to you Sir.

JimmyDanger said:
Quotes don't work on my phone but it was in relation to the post directly above mine.

And no. I don't want a debate with you DsGrue. Maybe when I feel like that I'll go to the debate other users topic. I'm here to discuss valid points about these speculations. I didn't come to the "debate DsGrue thread" - I have no interest in it. And I don't believe many other members do. You're basically attacking them for disagreeing with you and it's rather rude and annoying. That is simply the point I wished to address.

Now good day to you Sir.

If you feel attacked, it is because you had a very weak argument.

That is no fault of mine and I won't censor my stridence to preserve your feelings. 

Wait - we were having an argument now?

My only argument was - you're trolling super mega picking fights trolling - and I have basically your entire contribution to this thread as evidence.

That's actually a pretty strong case. But I won't feed your trolling any longer.

OT - So dGPU isn't some expensive top end CPU necessarily, or even an uncommon thing in laptops - but its the potential for the CPU/dGPU/GPU interact with each other and the shared memory pool - even how the CPU/gpu share the internal 47mb cache - that would be where they were targeting higher performance.

That it is a custom designed chip is confirmed - if it contains a dGPU is the question. Not likely - but not impossible. That's one huge chip. Wonder if anyone's taking their beta model apart and prying that chip off and rushing it to the lab for intensive analysis?


Apart from the error in the first paragraph ( the SOC has 500gb storage? Really?) - some interesting tidbits in there....

We've made some alterations to the CPU clusters to support coherent bandwidth between clusters...and other processors," Sell said

Are these those Volcanic Islands.

That's how it is in the chip world - everyone's known "about" Volcanic Islands for nearly a year. Some info has been dribbled out - but in the chip game, when were talking new series/new architecture - the final specs are held back from the public for as long as possible. Especially if you're AMD - with the 10 ton gorilla of Intel looking over your shoulder.
