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Forums - Gaming Discussion - X1 Vs PS4: has the battle turned around ?


has the battle turned around ?

No, PS4 still has more traction 547 77.37%
Maybe, things seem different 70 9.90%
Yes, X1 is starting to pull ahead 89 12.59%
CGI-Quality said:
kowenicki said:
CGI-Quality said:

Sorry, none of that changes that it is an opinion, that I was more pleased with Game A's visuals than Game B's. It certainly didn't require this type of elaborating simply because you took my inital post out of context and made it into some pointless tit-for-tat. 

why dont you guys take this petty little squabble about nothing elsewhere?  its rather a long way off topic and boring as hell.

Why not follow your own advice and don't force it to continue by getting involved?

that makes too much sense.  you can't expect such things from someone with such strong 'opinions'.

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CGI-Quality said:
riderz13371 said:
CGI-Quality said:
the_lonely_gamer_123 said:

Oh right, my bad, forgot about that. You're definitely right about that, Uncharted 2 was one of my favourite games of the generation. Uncharted 3 had some flaws for me, such as predictability, the aiming, repetitive hand2hand (killing brutes with the same hand2hand animation was tiresome), and a lot of those have to do with the fact that I've gotten so used to the series. Uncharted 3 just felt so passé to me.

I definitely understand your issues with Uncharted 3, but for me, it was all about the story, visuals, and connection(s) to Drake's Fortune that made it so special.

Dem visuals! Walking into the Lost City of Ubar for the first time after the door opened, the first word that came out of my mouth was "WOW"

It was one of the shining moments in the PS3's life. It wasn't quite as eye-popping for me as God of War III, but it was a close 2nd. In fact, those two and Heavy Rain are still the best I think I've seen the system put out.

Going to the Lost City of Ubar gave me the most chills since going back to Shadow Moses in MGS4. The only killer was the terribad QTE final boss fight. Don't get me wrong, Uncharted 3 was still a phenomenal game, and one of the major highlights definitely was the Lost City of Ubar at the end.  

Human contact, the final frontier.

the_lonely_gamer_123 said:
CGI-Quality said:
riderz13371 said:
CGI-Quality said:
the_lonely_gamer_123 said:

Oh right, my bad, forgot about that. You're definitely right about that, Uncharted 2 was one of my favourite games of the generation. Uncharted 3 had some flaws for me, such as predictability, the aiming, repetitive hand2hand (killing brutes with the same hand2hand animation was tiresome), and a lot of those have to do with the fact that I've gotten so used to the series. Uncharted 3 just felt so passé to me.

I definitely understand your issues with Uncharted 3, but for me, it was all about the story, visuals, and connection(s) to Drake's Fortune that made it so special.

Dem visuals! Walking into the Lost City of Ubar for the first time after the door opened, the first word that came out of my mouth was "WOW"

It was one of the shining moments in the PS3's life. It wasn't quite as eye-popping for me as God of War III, but it was a close 2nd. In fact, those two and Heavy Rain are still the best I think I've seen the system put out.

Going to the Lost City of Ubar gave me the most chills since going back to Shadow Moses in MGS4. The only killer was the terribad QTE final boss fight. Don't get me wrong, Uncharted 3 was still a phenomenal game, and one of the major highlights definitely was the Lost City of Ubar at the end.  

Let's not forget the many other amazing places! One in particular is a segment including sympathy :')

Aldro said:
the_lonely_gamer_123 said:
CGI-Quality said:
riderz13371 said:
CGI-Quality said:
the_lonely_gamer_123 said:

Oh right, my bad, forgot about that. You're definitely right about that, Uncharted 2 was one of my favourite games of the generation. Uncharted 3 had some flaws for me, such as predictability, the aiming, repetitive hand2hand (killing brutes with the same hand2hand animation was tiresome), and a lot of those have to do with the fact that I've gotten so used to the series. Uncharted 3 just felt so passé to me.

I definitely understand your issues with Uncharted 3, but for me, it was all about the story, visuals, and connection(s) to Drake's Fortune that made it so special.

Dem visuals! Walking into the Lost City of Ubar for the first time after the door opened, the first word that came out of my mouth was "WOW"

It was one of the shining moments in the PS3's life. It wasn't quite as eye-popping for me as God of War III, but it was a close 2nd. In fact, those two and Heavy Rain are still the best I think I've seen the system put out.

Going to the Lost City of Ubar gave me the most chills since going back to Shadow Moses in MGS4. The only killer was the terribad QTE final boss fight. Don't get me wrong, Uncharted 3 was still a phenomenal game, and one of the major highlights definitely was the Lost City of Ubar at the end.  

Let's not forget the many other amazing places! One in particular is a segment including sympathy :')

^Definitely was an awesome moment with Drake in the desert. I had watched a lot of pre-game coverage for UC3 and I was waiting for that desert level for the whole game. Didn't disappoint.

Your avatar just reminded me of a great scene in The Last of Us. Dem giraffes by the the nightmare of TLOU's world, seeing those giraffes was just unreal, made killing all those clickers and bloaters feel worth it.

Human contact, the final frontier.

I expect the Xbone to sell half the amount the 360 sold in Europe, less than half of 360 sales in Japan and the rest of the world. I expect it to sell 30% less than the PS4 in USA.

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When a thread about the potential success of the next Gen Xbox turns into a bunch of guys talking for a huge bunch of posts about their favorite PlayStation 3 exclusives, and the graphical prowess of each - you start to get a real quick indication of just how far removed from reality most of these internet communities are.

Xbox One will do fine - and no amount of internet echo chamber noise will actually escape into the real world - as it seems most people - who, lets face it - were never getting an Xbox One anyway - even if it had exclusive Crash Bandicoot and A Dualshock 5 in the box for $100 less than Ps4 - seem unable to contemplate beyond their own posteriors.

Yes, and your points don't contradict mine at all CGI.

Topics can spur discussion towards other topics AND people can be so locked into their insular, group supported opinions that they can't see there's a much wider perspective of opinion outside their group.

If anything - the fact of the matter - that a bunch of PS guys got caught up in a discussion of current Gen PS exclusives, when attempting to engage in a discussion about either platforms' strengths and wider appeal in the next Gen - seems to support your observation (that conversations can drift from one topic to another) AND my observation (that some "group" opinions are so insular and disconnected from the wider cross-group opinion, that they can end up having an internal discussion when trying to engage with larger/other groups). And both our observations could easily be pointed at no particular party beyond "all of us video game forum posting types" - regardless of platform affections or affiliations.

kowenicki said:
CGI-Quality said:
Kane1389 said:
CGI-Quality said:
Kane1389 said:
Whatever, i give up, i wont derail the thread any longer. If you (together with other 4 people on the internet) want to believe HR looks better than TLoU, go right ahead

Indeed, since it's merely an opinion, where you've been looking to combine it with technical fact.

Its not an opinnion.

TLOU has better looking character models - FACT

TLOU has better animations - FACT

TLOU has better, more detailed enviorments - FACT

TLOU has much better lighting - FACT

TLOU has much more going on on the screen - FACT

TLOU gives player more freedom movement - FACT

Sorry, none of that changes that it is an opinion, that I was more pleased with Game A's visuals than Game B's. It certainly didn't require this type of elaborating simply because you took my inital post out of context and made it into some pointless tit-for-tat. 

why dont you guys take this petty little squabble about nothing elsewhere?  its rather a long way off topic and boring as hell.

Because a forum without discussion is a forum without posts, thanks for flying logic airlines, hope you fly with us again soon.

from a perspective of who has the better games line up, in my opinion, the X1 has a far superior lineup. If microsoft drops kinect compulsary thing and releases a cheaper SKU - Sony will be shitting their pants

CGI-Quality said:
mii-gamer said:
from a perspective of who has the better games line up, in my opinion, the X1 has a far superior lineup. If microsoft drops kinect compulsary thing and releases a cheaper SKU - Sony will be shitting their pants

Highly doubt they'd be in fear of a Kinect-less sku when they have a lot of the positive buzz already (for much of the right reasons). For that to shift in any meaningful way would require their own, critical, mistakes - a sort of rinse-and-repeat of the PS3, which isn't going to happen. 

really? i thought the general concensus was that no one wanted the kinect! Guess, i need to follow the xbox one more closely. Still, in my opinion, the only factor holding the x1 back is the higher price tag. $400 X1 would make me buy it over a ps4