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Forums - Gaming Discussion - X1 Vs PS4: has the battle turned around ?


has the battle turned around ?

No, PS4 still has more traction 547 77.37%
Maybe, things seem different 70 9.90%
Yes, X1 is starting to pull ahead 89 12.59%
kungfuian said:
Saw on gaf a great analogy- microsofts xbox situation is the equivalent to having been standing in a swamp filled w shit. They might be out of the swamp now but they still have shit on their shoes.


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Goatseye said:
Fifa+Kinect+Headset= Kills anything Sony has to offer for $500€

Try Killzone, 2 controllers and a camera for 500$

Holy shit this might be the worst thread I have ever read on this website.

X1 has no amazing line-up. Wait till the reviews come out and you will see.

PS4 doesnt have an amazing line-up aswell, mind you.


Microsoft needs to lay on the bed they made. Do not atempt to help them out of it. It will be for the worse. Only good will come from the Xbox1 struggling. Microsoft might learn to prioritise quality content and gamers instead of trying to rob us blind left right and center.

CGI-Quality said:
riderz13371 said:
CGI-Quality said:
the_lonely_gamer_123 said:

Oh right, my bad, forgot about that. You're definitely right about that, Uncharted 2 was one of my favourite games of the generation. Uncharted 3 had some flaws for me, such as predictability, the aiming, repetitive hand2hand (killing brutes with the same hand2hand animation was tiresome), and a lot of those have to do with the fact that I've gotten so used to the series. Uncharted 3 just felt so passé to me.

I definitely understand your issues with Uncharted 3, but for me, it was all about the story, visuals, and connection(s) to Drake's Fortune that made it so special.

Dem visuals! Walking into the Lost City of Ubar for the first time after the door opened, the first word that came out of my mouth was "WOW"

It was one of the shining moments in the PS3's life. It wasn't quite as eye-popping for me as God of War III, but it was a close 2nd. In fact, those two and Heavy Rain are still the best I think I've seen the system put out.

Except that TLoU blows Heavy Rain away in every way imaginable. Its a good looking game, but it comes nowhere near PS3's top 3. BEYOND on the other hand...

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Kane1389 said:
CGI-Quality said:

It was one of the shining moments in the PS3's life. It wasn't quite as eye-popping for me as God of War III, but it was a close 2nd. In fact, those two and Heavy Rain are still the best I think I've seen the system put out.

Except that TLoU blows Heavy Rain away in every way imaginable. Its a good looking game, but it comes nowhere near PS3's top 3. BEYOND on the other hand...

B3YOND will be the best-looking videogame on console of the seventh generation. TLOU or GT6 won't be as good. I'll bet with whoever wants to disagree with me.

Wright said:
Kane1389 said:
CGI-Quality said:

It was one of the shining moments in the PS3's life. It wasn't quite as eye-popping for me as God of War III, but it was a close 2nd. In fact, those two and Heavy Rain are still the best I think I've seen the system put out.

Except that TLoU blows Heavy Rain away in every way imaginable. Its a good looking game, but it comes nowhere near PS3's top 3. BEYOND on the other hand...

B3YOND will be the best-looking videogame on console of the seventh generation. TLOU or GT6 won't be as good. I'll bet with whoever wants to disagree with me.

Could be. But keep in mind, BEYOND is mostly scripted on rails type of game with small enviroments. TLoU is proper action adventure game

CGI-Quality said:
Kane1389 said:
CGI-Quality said:
riderz13371 said:

Dem visuals! Walking into the Lost City of Ubar for the first time after the door opened, the first word that came out of my mouth was "WOW"

It was one of the shining moments in the PS3's life. It wasn't quite as eye-popping for me as God of War III, but it was a close 2nd. In fact, those two and Heavy Rain are still the best I think I've seen the system put out.

Except that TLoU blows Heavy Rain away in every way imaginable. Its a good looking game, but it comes nowhere near PS3's top 3. BEYOND on the other hand...

 Besides the fact that what I said was my opinion, that totally has nothing to do with the point.

Visual quality of the game is objective

Kane1389 said:
Wright said:

B3YOND will be the best-looking videogame on console of the seventh generation. TLOU or GT6 won't be as good. I'll bet with whoever wants to disagree with me.

Could be. But keep in mind, BEYOND is mostly scripted on rails type of game with small enviroments. TLoU is proper action adventure game

False. B3YOND features both small, scripted sequences and free open-world maps; and the enviroments are huge.


TLOU is a proper action adventure game, I'll give you that. But it has cleverly disguised loading times every five steps, so that isn't helping your argument.

the-pi-guy said:
Kane1389 said:

Visual quality of the game is objective

Technical aspects of the game are objective, but thinking that game A looks better than game B is generally subjective.  In fact, I'd argue that technical aspects still make for a subjective argument.  Comparing Skyrim and Uncharted for example, Uncharted is generally considered to look better, but it's linear while Skyrim is not.  So aspects that game A does better technically may be considered more important than aspects game B does better or vice versa.  

skyrim is technically more impressive (massive bugs and glitches aside) than Uncharted, yet Uncharted still looks better (character models, animations, enviorment, light) Its simple as that