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Wright said:
Kane1389 said:
CGI-Quality said:

It was one of the shining moments in the PS3's life. It wasn't quite as eye-popping for me as God of War III, but it was a close 2nd. In fact, those two and Heavy Rain are still the best I think I've seen the system put out.

Except that TLoU blows Heavy Rain away in every way imaginable. Its a good looking game, but it comes nowhere near PS3's top 3. BEYOND on the other hand...

B3YOND will be the best-looking videogame on console of the seventh generation. TLOU or GT6 won't be as good. I'll bet with whoever wants to disagree with me.

Could be. But keep in mind, BEYOND is mostly scripted on rails type of game with small enviroments. TLoU is proper action adventure game