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Forums - Gaming Discussion - X1 Vs PS4: has the battle turned around ?


has the battle turned around ?

No, PS4 still has more traction 547 77.37%
Maybe, things seem different 70 9.90%
Yes, X1 is starting to pull ahead 89 12.59%
CGI-Quality said:
the_lonely_gamer_123 said:
FiliusDei said:

I don't think they (sony) will have a game better than halo 5 or Q break for 2014 in my opninion. I'll get my ps4 in 2015. MS has a lot of exclusives to show also.

Rare for example has another two games thet have been in development for a while that were not announced. Black tusk has 4 games in development as well.

I really hope we get a new uncharted for 2014 or 2015 and i'd really like to see the last guardian finally on ps4.

Make it happen Sony. For the love of god, please make it happen.

As for Uncharted, I want the 4th one to be unique. Was I the only one that was thoroughly disappointed with Uncharted 3? Glad ND took some time off Uncharted and developed The Last of Us.

They didn't take time off from Uncharted for The Last Of Us. They split into two teams, which is how the the latter even happened. Besides, all of the Uncharted games were unique to one another. Uncharted 2 just happened to hit high notes for many, that no matter how good Uncharted 3 was, it was never going to be the same. For me, Uncharted 3 and Drake's Fortune were the best and most unique of the bunch.

Oh right, my bad, forgot about that. You're definitely right about that, Uncharted 2 was one of my favourite games of the generation. Uncharted 3 had some flaws for me, such as predictability, the aiming, repetitive hand2hand (killing brutes with the same hand2hand animation was tiresome), and a lot of those have to do with the fact that I've gotten so used to the series. Uncharted 3 just felt so passé to me.

Human contact, the final frontier.

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CGI-Quality said:
the_lonely_gamer_123 said:
CGI-Quality said:

They didn't take time off from Uncharted for The Last Of Us. They split into two teams, which is how the the latter even happened. Besides, all of the Uncharted games were unique to one another. Uncharted 2 just happened to hit high notes for many, that no matter how good Uncharted 3 was, it was never going to be the same. For me, Uncharted 3 and Drake's Fortune were the best and most unique of the bunch.

Oh right, my bad, forgot about that. You're definitely right about that, Uncharted 2 was one of my favourite games of the generation. Uncharted 3 had some flaws for me, such as predictability, the aiming, repetitive hand2hand (killing brutes with the same hand2hand animation was tiresome), and a lot of those have to do with the fact that I've gotten so used to the series. Uncharted 3 just felt so passé to me.

I definitely understand your issues with Uncharted 3, but for me, it was all about the story, visuals, and connection(s) to Drake's Fortune that made it so special.

Dem visuals! Walking into the Lost City of Ubar for the first time after the door opened, the first word that came out of my mouth was "WOW"

fighter said:

Basically I agree with this article that the X1 amazing line-up has a huge impact on the next-gen war/conversation and that the policy changes, as stated below, are well accepted :

"Now that the Xbox One no longer has these short comings, and owning a PS4 isn't as clearly advantageous, have people forgotten the initial furore? In part, yes, I'd argue.

In truth, it was always going to happen. Today's major bugbear is usually nothing more than tomorrow's forgotten niggle, and even without the policy reversal the Xbox One would have eventually started to sell more and more as big name exclusives emerged. FIFA 14's bundling alone would have caused many to forgive and forget. Now that we've got the best of both worlds, thanks to Microsoft doing the right thing, which should be applauded and not continually criticised (as Sony's Mr House did), there's little to separate the competition. Yes, the PS4 is supposedly the more powerful unit, but the actual results of this added power are yet to be seen.

Customer consciousness has definitely been altered, and although I doubt the Xbox One's changes will persuade those now solidly invested in the PS4, those who were unsure, or possibly leaning towards the PS4 may now think again. In fact, UK retailer, Game, recently announced it's no longer accepting pre-orders for the Xbox One Day One Edition, as that version of the unit has sold out. Game has also stated that pre-orders for the standard edition cannot be guaranteed for launch. Clearly, plenty of people are interested."

Read more:

or you can just get a ps4,fifa and almost have enough for ps+,..about the added power yet to be seen,thats a matter of opinion,,, the killzone multi player alone is prettier than most xone stuff imho... and nothing touches infamous and the division(only seen ps4 version),imo driveclub is the best looking console driver out there without cutting 10 million graphical corners out,and from every piece of video i seen,the framerate looks buttery smooth... you see warframe at gamescon(ps4 footage after only 3 months of porting to ps4 devkits) looked gorgeous,those character models were some of the best iv'e seen...imo 6 more c.u's of graphical might,crap loads of bandwidth to the actual main ram(where all the real rendering takes place/gets stored),insanely efficient like never before console,extra GB of ram (didn't more than a few devs say/strongly hint its a 6/2 ram split)is already delivering the goods... xone looks very sharp imo,just a step behind the ps4 though

CGI-Quality said:
JoeTheBro said:

As simple as this is, I agree. It hasn't turned around in customer perception, specs, nor games (to me, both offerings are pretty equal). Seems like a sudden surge of reassurance threads for the X1. Confidence in the product shouldn't require it, since it will do fine, even if that means being behind the PS4.

For the most part its people who wanted the console even when it was a clusterfluff, that are now reminding us that "hey peoples opinions of it have changed" - when their own opinions havent.

the xbox one will sell well, of course, but highly unlikely it will match the ps4 sales, and virtually zero chance of it overtaking in sales.

what we are going to see is a brief period of being "a little behind", which grows slightly each passing week, until we hit around the 4 or 5 month mark when the difference is in the millions and not the thousands - its at this point when people will give up claiming the impossible and we will all be back to arguing what exclusives are better, with xbox fans bringing up games and avoiding sales talk, just as the ps3 fans did with the early days of ps3.

However way you paint the picture, the 360 did amazingly well, and took good advantage of its year headstart, despite the rrod fiasco - but to be overtaken prior to the release of a new system with such a head start, and to fumble your way in to the next generation with such an asenine philosophy - and have the person who just overtook you be painted as the golden child of the next generation just highlights one blazingly obvious fact

ps4 will win in sales, hands down - in all regions except america where xbox one will likely cling to an even figure or occasionally overtake in monthly sales - but since people actually live in other countries, that wont make a difference.

The battle hasn't turned around because the only possible country Xbox One is going to win in is the US, and with the $100 difference and the less hardcore gamers who just want a system to play Call of Duty, the US is either going to be in Sony's favor, or if not, it'll atleast be even.

While no one ever thought Japan was going to go Xbox anyways, if Yakuza Ishin is PS4 exclusive, just chalk that up for a win in Japan. It's over after one game.

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JimmyDanger said:
Come October, I believe Xbox One will receive quite a boost in the internet popularity stakes. The details that are starting to emerge about Xbox Ones custom CPU will start snowballing over the next month, kicked off by the details MS unveiled at Hot Chips last week, culminating in their post AMD announcement reveal of the full specs for this beastly CPU. No off the shelf slight tweaks here.

More so when we start to see comparisons of 3rd party games running on both systems. The NFS guys have hinted at such already...

Then the Sony guys can start telling us all how specs/performance isn't important - and it's all about how brilliant one or two Sony first party exclusives are. Again.

It's already started - with ethomazs " super secret Drive Club presentation that blew Forza 5 away, but no one knows about it because it's super hush hush secret".

??? What? The CPU for x1 is no more powerfull then PS4, and PS4 has a decided advanatage in GPU and memory....Duillusional.



MS are going to rebuild the X1 and launch it in 3 months somehow?

FiliusDei said:
iamdeath said:
FiliusDei said:
I agree that x1 has a much better line up than ps4 for the first my opinion.

That's a massive stretch, especially considering sony has quite a bit more to announce. Even without the unannounced naughty dog and other studio's games it's pretty even.

I don't think they (sony) will have a game better than halo 5 or Q break for 2014 in my opninion. I'll get my ps4 in 2015. MS has a lot of exclusives to show also.

Rare for example has another two games thet have been in development for a while that were not announced. Black tusk has 4 games in development as well.

I really hope we get a new uncharted for 2014 or 2015 and i'd really like to see the last guardian finally on ps4.

What makes you think Quantum break is even going to be good? And Naughty dogs last 3 games speak for themselves.

”The environment where PlayStation wins is best for this industry” (Jack Tretton, 2009)

JimmyDanger said:
Come October, I believe Xbox One will receive quite a boost in the internet popularity stakes. The details that are starting to emerge about Xbox Ones custom CPU will start snowballing over the next month, kicked off by the details MS unveiled at Hot Chips last week, culminating in their post AMD announcement reveal of the full specs for this beastly CPU. No off the shelf slight tweaks here.

More so when we start to see comparisons of 3rd party games running on both systems. The NFS guys have hinted at such already...

Then the Sony guys can start telling us all how specs/performance isn't important - and it's all about how brilliant one or two Sony first party exclusives are. Again.

It's already started - with ethomazs " super secret Drive Club presentation that blew Forza 5 away, but no one knows about it because it's super hush hush secret".

Since you have no idea what you are talking about let me paste this here

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

Saw on gaf a great analogy- microsofts xbox situation is the equivalent to having been standing in a swamp filled w shit. They might be out of the swamp now but they still have shit on their shoes.