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fighter said:

Basically I agree with this article that the X1 amazing line-up has a huge impact on the next-gen war/conversation and that the policy changes, as stated below, are well accepted :

"Now that the Xbox One no longer has these short comings, and owning a PS4 isn't as clearly advantageous, have people forgotten the initial furore? In part, yes, I'd argue.

In truth, it was always going to happen. Today's major bugbear is usually nothing more than tomorrow's forgotten niggle, and even without the policy reversal the Xbox One would have eventually started to sell more and more as big name exclusives emerged. FIFA 14's bundling alone would have caused many to forgive and forget. Now that we've got the best of both worlds, thanks to Microsoft doing the right thing, which should be applauded and not continually criticised (as Sony's Mr House did), there's little to separate the competition. Yes, the PS4 is supposedly the more powerful unit, but the actual results of this added power are yet to be seen.

Customer consciousness has definitely been altered, and although I doubt the Xbox One's changes will persuade those now solidly invested in the PS4, those who were unsure, or possibly leaning towards the PS4 may now think again. In fact, UK retailer, Game, recently announced it's no longer accepting pre-orders for the Xbox One Day One Edition, as that version of the unit has sold out. Game has also stated that pre-orders for the standard edition cannot be guaranteed for launch. Clearly, plenty of people are interested."

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or you can just get a ps4,fifa and almost have enough for ps+,..about the added power yet to be seen,thats a matter of opinion,,, the killzone multi player alone is prettier than most xone stuff imho... and nothing touches infamous and the division(only seen ps4 version),imo driveclub is the best looking console driver out there without cutting 10 million graphical corners out,and from every piece of video i seen,the framerate looks buttery smooth... you see warframe at gamescon(ps4 footage after only 3 months of porting to ps4 devkits) looked gorgeous,those character models were some of the best iv'e seen...imo 6 more c.u's of graphical might,crap loads of bandwidth to the actual main ram(where all the real rendering takes place/gets stored),insanely efficient like never before console,extra GB of ram (didn't more than a few devs say/strongly hint its a 6/2 ram split)is already delivering the goods... xone looks very sharp imo,just a step behind the ps4 though