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Forums - General Discussion - Alone in the Dark delayed for PS3. Other versions in May.

Despite his biases, Starcraft is cool in my book. And I don't see what is wrong with this thread. Somebody had to post it. If I had posted it, would I suddenly have been labeled "anti-Sony"?

Edit:  Just wondering, but why was this posted in the off topic section? 

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Oh bugger, I didn't notice that.

Anyway thanks to makingmusic. I may like the 360 more than any other console, and I've never denied that. But i'm hardly a fanboy, and certainly not to the extent that Gazz says I am. I own a Wii and you never see me joining the Nintendo fanboys and fangirls in their "Sony and Microsoft ARE DOOMED" rants do you Gazz?

At the end of the day if your going to call any non-Sony fanboy an MS or Nintendo fanboy because they posted news that makes Sony look bad, two things will happen. This site will get less news, and you will make is just a little bit less pleasant for all the serious poster's that come here. For example, due to time constraints, this site is just about the only place I get any gaming news, or partake in gaming discussion. I don't want to see people like Gazz ruining that by calling people fanboys when they post news (and this wasn't an opinion Gazz, it was a reality based on a PRESS RELEASE) that isn't to his liking.

Makingmusic and Ckmlb are both clearly Sony fans, but they see the legitimacy of fans of the other consoles and companies. This makes them, "pro-Sony" rather than "fanboys" and therefore makes them interesting to chat to. On the other hand there are people that think the sun shines out of a particular company's ass like GGE, Crazzymann and apparently now Gazz (which I must admit surprised me, I hadn't seen this from him before this thread) that will call you a fanboy and troll the moment you say something they don't like, however realistic it may be.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

I'm cool with biases so long as they aren't too heavy, and so long as people will own up to them.

I think the news if fine, but people aren't sure of your intentions when posting it. You seem to be anti-PS3 on certain posts, even if you don't really mean it, which means you post something that is bad for the PS3, it seems like another case of you trying to put it down.

starcraft has his moods. Sometimes he's more anti-PS3/Wii than others.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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This is just another sign that Reality has an anti-Sony bias! One of these days Reality is going to wake up and realize how great the PS3 is, too bad it will be too late to change his tune without looking like a complete hypocrite though. ""

==> since it is already outsolding the Xbox360,
I believe even REALITY is not able to stop the PS3 !!!

Time to Work !

ClaudeLv250 said:
starcraft has his moods. Sometimes he's more anti-PS3/Wii than others.

 Lol. I hope your only basing my anti-wiiness on that third-party sales argument!!!!  Cause all ive been plating lately is SMGGGGGGGGGG./ WHOOOOHOOOO IM DRUNKKKKKKKKKKKK


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

lol delays are anti-sony


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Amen to that Soriku

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS