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Forums - General Discussion - Big Bang. How did it happen?

Okay, the big bang theory explains our universe, but where did the components neccesary for the reaction come from?

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Probably something similar conceptually to the final image in Chuck Jones' legendary Duck Amuck cartoon in which the animator who gives life broke his own roles in design.

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God let one rip through his roommates lighter.

Well there was a bang, and listen to this, it was BIG.

Hmm...i notice your asking this on a gaming forum. Most people here will be able to answer any question you have about gaming.

As for the big bang? I dont think many people here would be advanced physicists who fully understand the big bang. Why dont you try a scientific forum?

I think youll find better answers there. :)

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Nobody knows what caused the singularity to expand. That is like the ultimate question. Don't refer to the big bang as something that happened either because its still happening now.

the Big Bang? sounds like a porno movie

Man said:
Hmm...i notice your asking this on a gaming forum. Most people here will be able to answer any question you have about gaming.

As for the big bang? I dont think many people here would be advanced physicists who fully understand the big bang. Why dont you try a scientific forum?

I think youll find better answers there. :)

 There are many people of many backgrounds here, and you do not need to be an advanced physysict to answer the question.  Any college student majoring in physicts should be able to answer this.  It's not hard to repeat the answer, the difficulty lies in coming up with the answer.

You see, there was this super-massive black hole. We're talking all of the mass in the universe in about the size of our sun. Solid Snake planted some C4 in it though and then it went BOOM!


Well no ones answered it yet have they?

This site wouldnt be the first place i would ask that question if i wanted to know. Im sure there are people here who know about it and maybe some of them would be able to explain, but you cant say this is the best place to ask about the big bang can you?