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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Edge's 10 best consoles of the last 20 years

landguy1 said:

Because the Gamecube2(Wii) has the basic formfactor that the cube should have had and it ditched the rediculous colors of the cube.  Also, I just didn't get into the cube - I can blame that on the PS2 and my PC more than anything!

...I think that the consoles were rated by their games ond not by the look...?

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landguy1 said:
The list is what it is. Gamecube shouldn't be on it for sure.


For the gamecube=Yes.  Any of the titles that i wanted for that were acquired and played on the wii.

orniletter said:
landguy1 said:

Because the Gamecube2(Wii) has the basic formfactor that the cube should have had and it ditched the rediculous colors of the cube.  Also, I just didn't get into the cube - I can blame that on the PS2 and my PC more than anything!

...I think that the consoles were rated by their games ond not by the look...?

That's probably true, but i gave my opinion on why i liked or disliked the system.  The true answer was that i was too busy playing the PS2 and PC (also a little xbox for Halo) to fit the cube into my time.  I did own a gamecube for about 2 weeks though - I gave it to my sisters kids because it bored me.

Dreamcast below the OG Xbox, automatically fails this list IMO. But other then that pretty accurate.

360 ahead of PS3?
Nintendo 64 and Dreamcast make it to the list but not Super NES or Sega Genesis?

lol what a great list.

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the-pi-guy said:
Sensei said:

360 ahead of PS3?
Nintendo 64 and Dreamcast make it to the list but not Super NES or Sega Genesis?

lol what a great list.

Super NES came out in 1990.  These are only consoles of the last 20 years, 1993.

Thanks, I missed that. And shit, I'm so old. hahaha

landguy1 said:


landguy1 said:
The list is what it is. Gamecube shouldn't be on it for sure.


For the gamecube=Yes.  Any of the titles that i wanted for that were acquired and played on the wii.

Yes, it's called backwards compatibility.

Does that mean the PS2 makes the PS1 a terrible console too.

lol, typical edge. the only thing they got right was PS2. aside from certain consoles being mia they also ranked 360 @ 2 and PS3 @ 7... you saying consoles 2-7 are virtually as good as each other seeing as the ps360 are so similar

10. Dreamcast

Small library, but its ratio of creative and good-to-great games is unsurpassed.

9. Xbox

First console to do online successfully. First console to nail FPS games. HDD in every box.

8. Wii

Introduced a new demographic to games. Was genuinely fun to play at parties for a little while.

7. PlayStation 3

Has played catch up this whole generation in terms of games, achievements, and online, and is only just now approaching parity with the 360 in terms of features.

6. DS lite

Massive library and unmatched popularity. Did touchscreen gaming way before tablets and phones went there.

5. GameCube

I would probably have this lower on the list even though it had some great games and did some things right.

4. Nintendo 64

Not a fun console to own at the time, but it has a handful of some of the best games ever and 4-player split screen was fun.

3. PlayStation

Sooooo many titles. Most of them do not hold up at all, but because of the VAST library there are a lot of games that are still very much worth seeking out. Brought cheaper games because of CD.

2. Xbox 360

Set the template for what a console's online environment should be. Introduced achievements. A vast library. Stronger exclusives and better running multiplatforms for most of the generation.

1. PlayStation 2

An amazing library and full backwards compatibility means I still have mine hooked up. Should have had four controller ports and a better online strategy.

GBA should emphatically not be on this list. I had one and loved it because of the solid library (though mostly SNES retreads), but it should have been backlit and it only lasted a little over three years before the DS came around.

melbye said:
XBOX360's failurerate should exclude it from every best of list

Yeah I don't see how EVERYONE who bought on in first few years having to buy a 2nd not be a factor in this. And by everyone I mean ... everyone. I don't know one person who didn't have to buy a 2nd 360 and everyone I know who games or has kids who game, have a 360.