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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Hot Chips: Xbone Silicon (5b transistors, 363mm2, 8GB Flash, 1.31TFlops, 204GB/s peak BW)

Nsanity said:
Give credit where it's due:

That's because my post are linked there... the second picture I shared with GAF... see the "Credit from here" before post... anyway I posted the picture here first and you can look at the post timestamp.

And that is not the original thread lol.

PS. You see how you fail everytime?

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4 pages yet not a single dbz power level comparison wtf

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

wait I finally paid attention to the slides

so they have 15 bits and pièces of silicon offloading work or easing the work of the GPU/CPU??? did I read that right ???

while I understand what I see here I have no idea how much it will free up the GPU/CPU anyone with deeper insight in that ???

now those 8GB of flash on top of the 8GB of DDR are super nice... now I understand why app snaping and switching goes so fast on XB

that box looks better every day.... while PS4 has been static since E3... as usual Sony is like PE they off their load too fast..... they might have a big dong... but they suck at using it lol... classic Sony... now I Wonder how many prologue we will have :D they call it foreplay over there lol

ethomaz said:
Nsanity said:
Give credit where it's due:

That's because my post are linked there... the second picture I shared with GAF... see the "Credit from here" before post... anyway I posted the picture here first and you can look at the post timestamp.

And that is not the original thread lol.

PS. You see how you fail everytime?

Shamefull, fail everytime... Why are you so hostile? Calm down...


Tagging for later, tldr!

ironmanDX said:

Shamefull, fail everytime... Why are you so hostile? Calm down...


Tagging for later, tldr!

He is hostile... not me... read his comments lol.

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This thread has been ... something.

Anyway, I'm not technical enough to have any meaningful response to these reveals, but it sounds like those involved like what they're hearing. That's great.

The other thing that's less interesting/more frustrating is that leak rant by the misterx person. What was all of that??? That was really nutty and completely fascinating. Could we really see such high drama like that in this industry still in this day and age? I personally don't think so, but there's one thing that makes me really wonder if this person is crazy like a fox. From the VentureBeat article:

"Microsoft disclosed some details but left many important pieces out. Evidently, Microsoft doesn’t want to tell all of its competitors about how well designed its system is."

This, along with the fact that so much was displayed behind closed doors still (with NDA's) make it clear that there is more to be revealed. How significant are such things? We'll have to see.

As for his crazy conspiracy theories? He honestly has a point. The dialogue on the gaming forums have, for many months, been entrenched with the "fact" that the PS4 is notably more powerful than the X1 yet cheaper. At this point, any information that even hints they are closer in power gets categorically dismissed and shut down as false. At this point, as someone that has seen the gaming forum culture for over a decade, I would be surprised if even something official was actually accepted and believed. The "PS4 is more powerful" train is a rolling and only an act of God could slow it down in the gaming forums.

All things considered, though, this is all just background drama. The games will tell the story, especially the ones that are a) fun and b) give us something that looks and feels next gen.

Ok. So which one is gonna be able to play Halo and Killer Instinct?

ethomaz said:
Nsanity said:
Give credit where it's due:

That's because my post are linked there... the second picture I shared with GAF... see the "Credit from here" before post... anyway I posted the picture here first and you can look at the post timestamp.

And that is not the original thread lol.

PS. You see how you fail everytime?

wow you should really calm down now.
This thread is mainly copy pasting from other sites... not that it is bad but Nsanity was just stating it...

the-pi-guy said:
Goatseye said:
Ok. So which one is gonna be able to play Halo and Killer Instinct?

What does that have to do with this?

This discussion is trivial taking into account that people here are loyal to brands and their franchises. Gamers disregard the technical parts due to brand loyalty.

Plus, this discussion haven't disclosed useful information for us that only want to game by the looks of the comments after technical show down.

To tech savvies:
In terms of multimedia how do you think the customized AMD chips will perform in terms of fluidity of the UI, the snap feature, online video/(game??) streaming capability and of course how will games perform compared to PS4?