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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Games that deserve the HD Remake (or, My excuse to talk about SoTC More)

I would love Resident Evil 0, 1, 2, 3 & code Veronica remade a la Residente evil 4 wii edition, new graphics and controls.

Wii # 1303 9468 5016 0389

PSN Cmarkru

Xbox live gold Cmarkru

Please feel free to ad me any time, just let me know.

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Also. I gotta say. It seems kinda retarded to remake Chrono Trigger and change the graphics... when one of the main selling points of Chrono Trigger was the art and character designs.

Akira Toriyama's work was one of the games main selling points before anyone found out that it was actually a good game.

It'd be like remaking Tetris and changing the kickass music.

I'm going to vote for Secret of Mana. It would include all the content that was reportedly cut from the original due to the project being intended for an optical medium and add online multiplayer. That is my wish from a fun standpoint. I would by a Wii for that.

From a sentimental stand point, I'd love to see FFVIII redone. I'd buy whatever console that would be on. Just think about the scene where you have to save Rinoa from the oblivion of space, or when Selphie tumbles from the rocks when she first joins your party, instead of just an upskirt shot, you'd also get a cameltoe.

I'd want remakes of these classic SNES games:
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy VI
Secret of Mana

Plus, I would want to be able to unlock the original version of these games when I beat the remake.

Well Akira Toriyama is still alive so get him to work on it. I can understand people wanting the classics not to be touched (it's the same with movies) but it can help to bring in many more people to appreciate and discover it.

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Legend11 said:
Well Akira Toriyama is still alive so get him to work on it. I can understand people wanting the classics not to be touched (it's the same with movies) but it can help to bring in many more people to appreciate and discover it.

Part of its charm is its original style.  If it were remade in HD, I would like to see it take the path of SF 2 HD.  As in, stick to 2D, but add 16:9, increase resolution and level of detail, but leave the original artwork basically untouched.  

I can vouch for Naz. He does play TF2, CoD4, Portal, etc. on his PC quite often. Of course, the entire time he messages me about how much better these games would be on the Wii. :|

Pac Man Lol J/K

This is the only game that deserves a remake in 3D

What are you looking at, nerd?

would Love a FF 6-9 remake

10 deserves it but it was already pretty danm good looking game

12 can go suck monkey balls

Owner of all consoles cept DS.....Currently in love with prototype!