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Forums - Website Topics - Request: Tiny flag of poster's country beside their name

RolStoppable said:
Legend11 said:
What's wrong with the British flag? Most people wouldn't know the other flag.

England and Scotland have to be seperated, that's just the way it is. I am not sure how much people are concerned with Wales and Northern Ireland though.


Poor Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland :(;

And lol about your other comment...I thought Austria would be the Euro champion wouldn't you be proud if they can see that you are from the country who wins EU 08?

Around the Network
RolStoppable said:
I forgot to say what I think about this idea:

I don't like it at all. Euro 08 is in a few months and I really don't want people to know which country I am from...

 Everyone already knows you're from Australia.