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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Cool new little trailer from Nintendo UK

Soundwave said:

That's just a sizzle reel of games, I don't see the big deal.

TV ads have to be 30-60 seconds and convey an image/attitude to people who aren't Nintendo fans or may not be all that interested in a Wii U.

Nintendo's problem IMO is they themselves don't even know who the target market for this console is. Is it hardcore players? Casual players? What's the age demographic supposed to be?

Bayonetta making a faux sexual comment with the camera pointed at her crotch after four clips of cartoony platformers for example sends a confusing message. Of course Nintendo fans like it, but they don't need ads to get excited about a Nintendo lineup.

Sizzle reels are 1990s marketing, you need to first know your product and your demographic these days and be a little more sophisticated in how you market. The early Wii marketing and "Wii Would Like To Play" was well done and clearly showed an image consistent with the product.

Telly adverts can be any length a company wants as long as they have the money to pay for a slot that long. 30s is the industry standard but there's no reason why Nintendo can't release an advert like this in November if they're willing to pay for it. I don't think they'll need to myself, the Wii U should sell over 4m over the Christmas period without an advert like that just because they have Donkey Kong being released in November and Wii Fit U and Super Mario 3D World being released in December.